•Alone in the villa•

Even if for an once he would have tell her the reason that why is he not liking any other boys who are her friends, then only she may have stop being friends with them but no matter what, he never does that making her more eager and desparate to hear those beautiful words from him. Somewhere in her heart she still believes that he has a soft corner for her in his only heart.

"No, V you are not going to do anything. No planning, nothing else! I will be going out with him and that's final." She said firmly meeting with his intese gaze confidently.

"Don't argue with me Reina and just do as I say." He seethed at her while his expression turned more darker than before.

"No, I will not listen to you this time. If you tell me the reason then only I will listen to you." She said still in her determined voice and the moment she said that his complete domineer has changed suddenly. She again saw the emotion in his pair of blue eyes... Jealousy? Does he really feels jealousy to those boys with whom she talks in the school?

'Yes V yes, just tell me the reason, just tell me that you are really feeling jealous towards those guys. If it's true V then I will do anything you'll ask me to do. Just express your real feelings to me V. Please.' She was just literally begging him in her mind but unfortunately he can't hear out those words loudly. How she wished to listen all those words from his own mouth only she knew that.

"You, already know the answer Stella. I'm stopping you everytime because Mom has told me to keep you away from those bad boys of our school. So that's it. I'm doing this only for her. But don't misunderstand me that I'm doing all these things because I care for you. Never ever think like that ok! And if you are thinking about the kiss that we shared last time then you should also remember that it was a mistake. And it's very common for me to kiss any random girl. So it has no meaning for me, and you are also coming under the list of those random girls Stella. Don't ever think that I've any feelings for you or something. So keep this in your mind for forever." He said without showing any type of expression on his face as if he is saying a very common fact to her.

That's it. He again told her those heart piercing words. He only shows his protectiveness and caringness only because Mama has told him. And every time she asked him the question, he always replyed her the same answer. It's like she was on the verge of crying. But somehow she controlled herself then again asked him,

"If you are doing all these because of mama, then why are you stopping me to be friend with Ryan? You know very well that mama also admires him a lot like her son. And you also very well knew that she has no problem while I'm being with Ryan. So just stop interfering in my life Victon." She said with her unstable voice because his words were still stinging to her heart like a very sharp needle and he can also clearly able to sense that but it still didn't affected him even a bit.

"It's because Mama doesn't know that boy's real face. I know him and I can clearly read his intentions like a open book. And I also know that he is not good for you!" He spatted out angrily while getting frustrating over this small topic.

"Then tell me V, tell me that who is good for me! YOU???" She asked him in the same voice as if she is on the verge of crying.

He didn't said anything for a moment. She doesn't know what is he thinking about. Then he said something which she didn't ever expected from him,

"No, I'm not either. Ok, Stella do as you wish. I will not interfere in your life if you think so." He said and without any further arguments or discussions he just left from there leaving me completely dumbfounded for some moments. He didn't even gave her any chance to reply. She was just standing there stupidly. 'How... how can he just said like that and left me as if I'm not even exist in his life. No no, I have to talk to him tonight anyhow. He had to clear me about his feelings. He just can't show me the cold shoulder always. No I can't let that happen always.' She said to herself and stomped her feet angrily on the floor.

After that heart-wrenching incident she tried to calm myself first. She knew her friends will easily detect her emotion by looking at her face. After calming down she took out the file from her locker and went back to library as if nothing had happened just now. There her friends are still waiting for her.

Thank god they didn't asked her anything otherwise she knew she couldn't have able to control her emotions in front of them. Then after about thirty minutes finally they found their project related books. Then after issuing the books they all said goodbyes to each other and went to their respective homes.

When Stella reached home only sister Maria was there. Mrs Rion was in her office. Her mood was not either good. She has to talk with Victon anyhow. 'He have to clear the things with me. Ughhhh...I can't even stop myself for a second without thinking about him. He has already occupied my mind all day.' She thought releasing a very frustrating sigh. Then she thought may be she can make his favourite food to please him and then she will try to make out the things between them. With that thought she directly went to her room and after freshening up she came downstairs and went directly to help sister Maria.

"Ohh dear, you came." Sister Maria addressed her in her lovely voice.

"Yes, aunty. You know actually I wanted to make something for V." She confessed her real intention to sister Maria.

Sister Maria only flashed her a warm smile and said, "Alright, tell me what you want to make for him. I will help you with that."

"I think I want to make his favourite flatbread along with some butter chicken and salad. Then in dessert I will make his all time favourite brownies. You know very well aunty that how much he loves these food."

"You are absolutely right my dear. He will surely become very happy by seeing all those foods. Let's make it dear." With that they both started to prepare for the dinner. Sister Maria helped her in cutting the vegetables for salad, making the dough for the flatbread and other side works. But all the cooking process was only done by her because she wanted to see that satisfied expression on his face which he always brings on his face whenever he eats those food made by her unknowingly.

At about 7.00pm all works got over. She had completed preparing his favourite dishes. She was also satisfied with her cooking because the taste seems nice to her and sister Maria also praised her telling her that all dishes are tasting delicious. That's why she has full confidence on herself that he will like the foods which are prepared by her.

After doing all the works sister Maria headed towards her home early because her daughter is sick today. She has to leave for home at about 7.15pm. Usually she goes to her home at about 9pm.

Now she is all alone in the house, which she doesn't likes even a bit. All alone in a large villa is bit scary for her. No matter how much she tried to overcome that trauma from her past but couldn't able to do it. Both Victon and mama very well knew this phobia of hers. This is the first time she's staying home all alone because in other days there would be sister Maria always stays with her until Victon or Mrs Rion comes to the house.

Now she has started to panic. She couldn't understand what to do. So she thought to call mama and dialled her number. But unfortunately she didn't picked up her phone. 'May be she is busy in any kind of meeting. Now what should I do. I don't know when she is gonna come.' She thought then decided to call Victon but hesitated slightly because he must be in his middle of the practice session. She knew his normal timing is at 8pm but usually he reaches home at about 8.30pm. And now the time is only 7.25pm.

She started to contemplated in her mind that, 'Should I call him? What if he won't pick up my call as well because he must be in the middle of his practice session. Or even if he picks up then I'm sure that he will gonna annoying over me. what should I do now? But I have also no other choice.' She thought and then without thinking anything she finally dialled his number and unexpected to her after about three rings he picked up the call.

She heard him speak in his bored voice, "Hello!"...


To Be Continued...