
"What?" He asked her in a bored voice when he didn't got any response from the other side of the phone. This made her heart to break into millions of pieces. She thought he is sounding like this because he is still upset on her regarding that matter.

"Why are you silent Stella. Are you gonna say something or should I cut the call? I have no time for your bullshit." He spatted at her angrily and now she got confirmed that he is not in his good mood which was true actually. His mood was really not good and the fact that she is going out with Ryan the next weekend making him unable to concentrate on his practice session at that time.

"No no no, don't cut the call. I...I just wanted to ask you that when are you coming home?" She asked him nervously while biting her lower lip in the process.

"Why? You know my timing very well. So don't bother me and just cut off the call." He said in his same uninterested voice.

"Umm..." She once again hesitated. How will she tell him that no one is at home and she is already started to panicking because of the loneliness.

"What Stella? Why you need me to come home early?" He asked. Then she thought she should just learn to live alone sometimes. There will not be always Victon, mama or sister Maria present there for her. Inhaling a deep breath she replied hurriedly,

"No...nothing, V. I...I was just concerning about you. Never mind, just focus on you practice. Bye." Then immediately cut off the call before he got any chance to ask her any questions further. On the other side Victon just stared at his phone screen gripping it very tightly with his dark expression. So without wasting anymore time he did the next thing he thought would be right at that time.

Back in the Villa Stella was still trying so hard to consoling herself that she can manage to stay alone till 8.30pm. Sister Maria also didn't wanted to leave her alone but she had no other choice because her husband called her to came back home urgently. She thought that if she will call Victon or Mrs Rion then one of them will surely accompany her any how with in a short period of time and that's why with that thought she left her alone but that is not the case right now and the truth is something else. Mama didn't picked up her call and to Victon she has no courage to ask him to come home early.

Now she's sitting in the living room sofa folding her legs while her both knees are under under her chin and was sitting by hugging herself very tightly. TV was on and her favourite cartoon Tom and Jerry was playing on the TV. Yes, she's still watching that show and is one of her favourite cartoon till now. But no matter how much she trying to focus on the show but couldn't. She just wants someone near her and nothing else. She just prayed to God that some miracle will happen and Victon can able to get back to home as soon as possible.

And just like magic, after about five to ten minutes Victon was there standing at the doorstep while holding a scared expression on his face.

And with that when their eyes met without thinking anything further she directly ran towards him and hugged him very tightly. At this time she might be look like some desparate person but she couldn't help herself. Victon was very well known about the fact that how much she's afraid of loneliness and the darkness. No matter how much skilled person she is but she can't able to stand on this type of situation.

She got no response from him for some moments but didn't care a bit about it. She knew that he is still mad on her for and the fact that he has shown himself in front of her is alone a very great news so what more she could've expected from him at that time? So she still kept hugging him very tightly in her arms as if her whole life is fully dependent on him. Then after sometime she got a respond from him. He also hugged her back and caressed her hairs soothingly.

"Shhh....shhh my Reina. I'm here! Don't get panic anymore. Just calm down ok!" He used his softest tone she has ever been heard from him. Then only she managed to calm down a little bit and with that she realised that she was hugging him, and it did gave her the enough courage not get panicked anymore.

"But, V...how come you came home early today? You are always coming home at about 8.30pm. You also told me that on the phone." She asked him getting surprised because when she looked at the time it was 7.45pm only. He really came home so early.

"When you cut the call suddenly while saying bye with your panicked state that time I understood that something is wrong with you. Then instead of calling you back I just checked my phone instantly. You know very well that there is the CCTV camera present everywhere in our house except our personal rooms. So I checked the camera through my phone, as you know I can able to access them easily. So when I saw that there is no one present in the house except you, I understood that why did you called me? So without wasting anymore moments I just told the coach about my emergency and come back to home as soon as possible." He answered her genuinely without showing any type of anger.

When she listened to him she couldn't believe that he just leave his practice session midway only for her! She was beyond surprised and got overwhelmed at the same time. This time her feelings for him even got much stronger than before.

"I can't believe V you...you just leave your practice session only for me?" She asked him disbelievingly.

"Ohh... please Stella you know very well that all the thing I did is only for mom. And yeah another thing I forgot to mention that before I came here I also dialled mom's number but she didn't picked up her phone. So I understood that she may be busy in her works so I have to come home early, otherwise if anything happened to you then she is gonna blame me for all of this drama." Here again he broke her heart saying those heart piercing words again and again. But she has to endure these all anyhow because she believes that somewhere deep down in his heart he cares for her a lot. She can clearly see that in his eyes. No matter how much he denied the fact but his eyes always tells the otherwise.

Now she got parted from him. "How was your practice V?" She asked him to change the topic of their conversation.

"It was full of fun until you destroyed them all with your call." He said while the slight anger was lacing out from his voice. One time he becomes the sweetest person on the earth and in another time he again comes back to his usual mood. 'Why are you like this V? I don't like this side of him even a bit.' She thought to herself but still she remained cool and told him excitedly, "Ok V, go and freshen up. Today I have prepared something for you."

"Again what drama you're trying to play Stella?" He again asked her in that same disinterested tone. Her face again fell at his hurtful words but she didn't break down and still tried to reply in her cheerful voice,

"I'm not playing anything V. Just go and comeback for dinner." With that she pushed him forward slightly. Finally he releases a helpless sigh and went upstairs to his room.

In this mean time Stella went back to the kitchen and checked all the dishes again. After making sure they are warm and perfect she brought them from the kitchen and placed them on the dining table. When all got settled she sit down on one of the chairs and waited for him to come downstairs and finally he came down.

The moment he walked down she just caught her breath in her throat because he was looking breathtakingly handsome at that moment. Even with his gray colour trouser and black coloured t-shirt he was looking not less than a professional model. She just couldn't help but keep staring at her like she will just eat him up the whole and couldn't able to avert her eyes from him. But wait! Why is he smirking back at her?

Then only she understood that she's just ogling at him shamelessly and he caught her red handedly. 'How can I be so stupid?' She thought then immediately averted her eyes from him and looked somewhere else thinking about where to hide her pink blushing face from him!

"You're looking so pretty with those pink blushing cheeks of yours you know?"...


To Be Continued...