
"Turn around!" He ordered.

The way his thick voice echoed inside the silent room and with the look he was saying this was enough to make her feel the chills running down her spine. Already she was having difficulties while he is applying the medicine and right now in this situation he is asking her to turn around! Instantly her whole face flushed red in colour and she couldn't able to understand that what to do and what not to do.

When he saw that she is not going to turn around he didn't asked her for the second time and just like that holding her bare waist in his hand he helped her to turn around so that her back side will be facing towards him.

Due to his sudden touch directly on her skin made her feel like her whole skin will just melt down like a butter under his hot touch. His hand was warm and strong while it touched the delicate skin of her body. He also couldn't able to digest that feeling at that time. Of course she is the perfect girl in his eyes. In every way perfect!

After turning her around her top was ridden up little bit more exposing her back which was completely flawless before but right now due to the bruishes it was not looking flawless anymore. But that doesn't change anything for him.

Again the anger started to bubble up inside him by looking at the marks on her back. They are looking like someone has just kicked her so hard and not only once but for multiple times. He didn't delayed and immediately applied the medicine all over her bruishes. She earned some light gasps due to the pain but those were worth the current situation because she didn't know when will she going to get this type of treatment from him in the future.

Finally done with applying the medicine on her bruishes he pull down her top and again made her turn around carefully. That time he saw her tear filled eyes and for a moment he got confused whether he is the reason of her tear filled eyes. 'Did it hurt her that much while applying the medicine on her skin?' He thought.

But in reality she was on the verge of crying because of his behaviour towards her. Those tears were just her happy tears and she got so overwhelmed at that time that without her knowledge the tears started to appear in her beautiful eyes.

The next moment she knew that her lips are captured by another pair of hot lips. It didn't took her much time to understand that he was kissing her and that to be with full of passion!

He was savouring her lips like the most precious fruit that exists on the earth. At that time he was completely hovering over her body and holding her neck gently he continued to kiss her until both of them got breathless.

Finally parting away from her mouth his eyes met with hers and their faces are just an inch away from eachother. "Tell me Reina... What's bothering you?"

He asked placing another peck on her plump lips. "Tell me, did I hurt you huh?" When he asked her the question she immediately denied him by moving her head from side to side. His hot but husky voice was just making her mind go numb at that time and she knew if he going to act like this for another one minute then she will gonna pass out then and there. It's just too much for her to handle.


"Um... Nothing V... It's just... It's very rare for you to behave so gently with me and..." She paused unable to find any suitable words for him at that time. An amusing grin just appeared on his face making him look more alluring but dominating at the same time.

"And?..." He asked her back raising his one eyebrows while leaned more closer fixing his all attention and studying each and every expression of her face so that he won't miss even a single emotion on her face. Of course he is enjoying playing with her at that time and the tears in her eyes are long gone replaced with the nervousness. The grin was still present on his face because of which she is unable to take off her eyes from his face making her completely forget her words what she was about to say.

Nonetheless finally he got up making her furrowing her eyebrows at him but as if he didn't saw anything he ignored her questioning expression completely. Then he raised her feet on his lap carefully and applied the medicine on the bruishes which were formed around her both the ankles due to the rope that had tied her legs. She didn't opposed him let him do whatever the thing he wants to do.

After applying the lotion he put down her feet and laid beside her facing towards her. He brought up the blanket and covered themselves with it till their necks.

Shock is what that's exactly visible in her eyes. She had never ever, even in her wildest dreams had thought that one day this all mighty Victon Rion will just sleep by her side taking care of her like this.

But little did she know that he has some other plans as well. Then adding to her shock he just grabbed her body more closer towards his own and started to caressing her hairs very lovingly. She was still thinking that these all are just her imagination but the next moment finally she believed that no it's actually happening in reality and he was really holding her so close to himself. This fact just made her blush so hard and with that she just shyly hide her face in between his chest. This situation is just too embarrassing for her.

He even helped her dragging her even more closer to him and then said, "Now you are completely safe Stella. From now on no one can ever dare to touch you without your permission. Everything will be fine. So just sleep okey?" He asked making her look up at him and she could only found the honesty and sincerity in his eyes.

"Sleep!..." He whispered and placed a soft kiss on her forehead. And like that both went to sleep and she didn't have to take any sleeping pills as well.

Next day arrived and unexpected to her he was still there sleeping with her while holding her gently in his arms. "Won't he go to school today?" She thought.

But when the realisation hit her hard that he is actually slept with her, her eyes went wide in shock.

"Good morning Reina..." He greeted her so suddenly.

"Um... Good morning V." She greet him back.

"Did you sleep well?"

"Yes V. Thank you so much being there with me the whole night." She thanked him him from the core of her heart. It's still unbelievable for her that he had taken care of her the whole night.

"How are you feeling now?

"I think I'm doing great. The body is not paining at all."

"It must be due to the pain killer you ate last night. So... So did you decided when you are going to tell me the truth huh?" He asked her directly jumping on the main topic.

"Yes V! I have decided..."


To Be Continued...