•Every single detail•

"V I have decided to tell you now." She replied while looking up into his intense eyes which were looking down at her like she is the only important thing that matters to him right now.

"Go on. Tell me every single details of what had happened with you yesterday and who were the people who did those things to you." He demanded.

Then she started to tell him about everything starting from the time when she was dialling his number but he was not picking up the call to the matter when he had told her to wait in the common room. He frowned at her words because as much as he remembers he had not said anything like that to her but didn't interrupted her and let her tell the whole thing.

Then she said all the incidents happened after she found out the girl on the floor. How they beat her, how she fought with them alone and how they tied up her hands and legs and finally how they teared up her clothes and took lots of pictures of her in that condition and blackmailed her. She described every single details to him.

"Do you come to know their names?" He asked.

Stella tried to remember but couldn't because she doesn't think that they all had ever mentioned their names to her. Then she suddenly remembered that there was a tatoo like thing present on that girl's right hand wrist. She couldn't even remember their faces because first of all she didn't got any chance to even look at their faces. "No V, neither of them are ever mentioned their names to me. But I remember one thing that they were about five girls and among one of them, there was a tatoo like thing was present on her right wrist. From their talking style it was cleared that they had pre planned all those things to do with me." She said while shivering slightly because whenever she remembers that incident she couldn't help but gets scared automatically. He seemed to sense that and that's why he held her more closer towards his body.

He hated to see her like this but he had no other choice left because if he won't come to know about those culprits then how will he gonna punish them. He had already his doubts on some girls but still he wanted to confirm it whether they are those girls or not. Then he asked, "Have you any idea why would they do such things to you?"

At this question her cheeks instantly turned crimson red in colour. Of course she knew why they did those things with her. Because they thinks he is having some feelings for her. But how will she tell him now?

"Reina I'm asking you something. Tell me!" He demanded.

She got nervous slightly while looking here and there unable to meet his intese gaze which was solely focused on her face at that time. Then finally she replied with her shy as well as nervous filled voice, "Um... V they... they think that you are having some type of feelings for me. One of the girl among them even claimed that she is your girlfriend but still you are not looking at her in the way you are keep on looking at me secretly. She even said that in your phone there is a folder which is full of my photos only. She accused me that because of me you are not giving her that much of attention and due to that she and her other four friends came to take the revenge from me and also warned me to stay away from you and not to tell you about anything that happened yesterday in the school. And if I dared to tell you then they will viral my photos everywhere." She explained everything to him.

On the other side Victon was keenly listening to her words holding a very calm expression on his face. One can never tell that what's running inside his mind right now or what he is planning to do from now on.

When she finished telling him the whole incident, she looked up at him only to find his calm but expressionless face. "V are you even listening to me?" She asked frowning slightly.

"Mm hmm..." He responded while fixing his eyes on her.

"Then why are you not reacting or saying anything?" She asked because at least she had expected a reaction from him but here he was laying beside her like she is just stating him a normal fact.

"What do you expecting me to say Reina?" He asked her back.

This time she couldn't understand what should she tell him because she can't say that she is expecting him to be angry on his girlfriend and her gang and will take the revenge on behalf of her by suspending them from the school for one week.

"Nothing V... Won't you go to the school today? It's already past 8am." She said to avoid the topic. He also didn't forced her to tell anything and just sat up on the bed. She instantly started to miss the warmth of his body. She thought may be he came back to his cold form.

"You don't have to go to school Reina. Just rest for the day. Sister Maria is going to stay with you till the evening until I return from the school." Victon said and got up from the bed. The way he was acting she was sure that he again got back to his previous form.

She knew very well that no matter what he is not gonna accept the fact that he really cares about her a lot. She knew if she will ask him that why he had done all sorts of works for her yesterday when her condition was not good then he will surely say that he did all those things only because of mama. That's why she thought it's better not to ask him about anything. So she just simply got agreed with him. But she badly wanted to confirm from his own mouth that whatever they say about him secretly looking at her and his gallery is full of her photos is all true. She badly wanted him to accept that right in front of her but she knew very well that he will just die rather than accept this whole thing to her.

Then Victon went out of her room to get ready for the school. Soon sister Maria entered inside her room to help Stella in her daily routine. Sister Maria knows everything that happened with her because Victon had already informed her last night. When she comes to know about Stella's condition she wanted to come here last night itself but he had told her to take care of her own daughter while he will take care of Stella alone for the night and she will come in the morning. And that's what sister Maria did and today she came for her work earlier than her usual time.

"Dear let me help you." She said to Stella with her motherly voice that touched Stella's heart very much. She helped her to get down from the bed and prepared her bath in the bathroom as well.

"How is your daughter Aunty?" Stella asked because she knew her daughter was sick yesterday.

"Now she is doing fine and no need to worry about her anymore. But I couldn't able to protect you my dear." She said in her sad filled voice making Stella slightly emotional.

"Everything is alright aunty. Look I'm fine and nothing serious has happened to me." She tried to assured her.

"But still..."

"Please aunty, stop blaming yourself." Stella cut off her words and sister Maria didn't said anything after that.

Then she went inside the bathroom to do her daily routine while Sister Maria came downstairs to prepare something healthy for her. Victon has already left for the school.


To Be Continued...