•Deleting the pictures•


Today he wasn't attending the class rather he was sitting inside the main control room of the whole school where all the CCTV cameras can be accessed. He didn't need to tell the man twice who was in the charge of that control room because that man was also very fond of Victon. Knowing that he must have some valid reasons that's why he let him access all the cameras without asking him any questions. Victon hold that much of power over all the authorities of the school.

Soon he started to play the video when Stella was going toward the common room of that secluded building. He can clearly see the fear on her face. He has already had his doubts on his current girlfriend and her friends but still he wanted to witness the whole incident with his own eyes so that he can further plan about their punishment. There is no way he will let them go just like that. He also knew that they all have Stella's pictures and they can do anything with those pictures of her. So first of all he has to get rid of those pictures from their phones without their knowledge and then only he will initiate his next plan. He will punish all of them in such a way that they will never dare to bully any other students in their entire life.

Then he watched everything that how a girl was laying on the floor clutching her ankle painfully and Stella was offering the help and how she said her things are inside that dark room and led her towards that room. Then he saw after Stella went inside the room another four girls wearing masks so that no one can able to recognise them entered inside the room along with the girl who was acting to be in pain till then. Even though no one's faces can be seen clearly but still he was not that much of fool not to recognise them at all. After all they were non other than his so called present girlfriend and her gang.

Anger started to course through him as he watched all of them enter inside. Because the room was dark and is unused for so many days the camera inside the room was damaged because of why he couldn't able to see what exactly happened there. Then after sometime except his Stella all the other girls came out of the room and locked the door but when he saw each of their condition a satisfied smirk just started to appeared on his face. After all Stella did a very good job on them. Even in the darkness she beat them into the pulp that it got so difficult for them to even work properly. He could only imagine if there would have no darkness inside the room then what would have their situation right now. Even the thought of her handling five girls all alone who were also few years older than her made him feel very proud of her. But still the thought of punishing them didn't leave from his mind because he thought how dare they even tried to touch her and further more teared her clothes and took her pictures in her vulnerable state and made her completely traumatized!

He knows very well today they all didn't came to the school. But he had already planned in his mind what should he do with all of them. Then an evil smirk just automatically appeared on his face. Then he left from the control room taking copy of all the footages.

Then he sat inside an empty class room and took out his laptop and started to do his work. At first he tried to hack the phones of all the girls and due to his expertise in the hacking field it didn't took him much time to hack their phones without their knowledge. Then he saw the pictures of Stella taken by them and just at the sight of her laying helplessly on the floor with her exposed body and tied up hands and legs made him angrier so much that he just wanted to torture and kill them then and there.

He immediately transferred all those photos to his phone and deleted every single picture of Stella from their phones. He even checked whether they send the pictures to someone else or not but fortunately they haven't send those to anyone. After making sure everything has been done he closed his laptop and headed towards his next class.

Soon the time came when Victon had to go for his football practice session. The time was 5pm and he is already started to become restless thinking what Stella must be doing in the home. He knows Sister Maria is there with her but that unknown negative feeling was not taking the name of letting him stay calm and focused for the practice. He just wanted to see her right in front of his eyes safe and sound as soon as possible.

After ending of the practice session it was 8pm already when he reached home. He couldn't wait to see the face of the most gorgeous girl he has ever seen.

Reaching at home he immediately masked his expression with a cold one as he always does and successfully hid his desparation to see her. He saw that sister Maria was making the dinner while she was no where to be seen in the hall. It means she must be in her room. But what is she doing alone? He thought and immediately went inside the kitchen to ask sister Maria about her condition. Of course he will not gonna ask her directly.

"Aunty where is she and how she is doing?" He asked her in his neutral voice because he was always like that with Sister Maria masking his real emotions. He doesn't even shows his expression to his own mother as well. Everyone would be laughed if by any chance they got to know about how he had took care of Stella last night. And how he had given her the privilege to see his real emotions and that to be only for few seconds.

But Sister Maria knew very well how he is secretly towards Stella and with that thought she just smiled a little at him and replied, "She must be in her room son. Few moments before you arrived she just went back inside her room to do something she forgot to do."

"Mm..." He responded.

"By the way son my work is over and now I'm going to my home. My daughter is alone and wants my presence as soon as possible and my husband is out of the town. I hope you can take care of her from now on!" She said and he immediately got agreed with her.

"Of course aunty. You should go. If you need any help then don't forget to ask me okey?" He said and smiling warmly at him she left from there preparing the dinner for both of them.

After she left without his knowledge he doesn't know when and how did he just ended up being standing in front her door. He knocked twice but when he didn't got any response from otherside, so many negative thoughts started to revolve around his mind. So without any further delay he pushed open the door and entered inside but saw no one. Then he heard the sound of running shower inside the bathroom and released a sigh of relief. At that time he was busy in running his hand across his hair contemplating in his mind that whether he should leave or stay here until she comes out. Of course his inner beast was in the favour of staying here until she comes out but his ego was telling him to go to his own room.

Finally he just ended up staying there and waited for her sitting on the sofa. Suddenly the door of the bathroom got open and she came out wearing only a towel around her body which was reaching just above her middle thighs showing off her soft and delicate milky white skin.

He was busy with his phone and the moment he looked up at her it seemed like he just forgot everything in the world except her!...


To Be Continued...