
The moment their eyes met it was the end of the world for both of them. Of course she didn't expected him to be there while he didn't expected her to come out looking this much of fresh and attractive. Soon the wild thoughts started to invade in his mind while his gaze was not leaving from her body even for a moment. It was as if his ego was also accepted the defeat infront of this ethereal beauty standing there only wrapping a towel around her.

"Wh...when did you came in V? She shuttered while clutching the towel with her hand with her dear life.

But he was far away from listening to her words. But realising what he is just doing he immediately averted his gaze from her body and stood up from the sofa.

"Go and wear something first!" He said in his serious voice not glancing towards her even for an once. The way he said the line it clearly showed that how disgusting he just felt by looking at her body. It did offended her so much and for a moment she even believed that she is not that attractive as a girl as per his choice. Then immediately she strode towards her changing room without responding to his words. His words really hurted her so much.

After she left he also didn't stayed there for another moment and came back to his room. Frustration can be clearly seen in his face. "No it should not affect me! It shouldn't! God damn it!" He paced back and forth in his room unable think anything straight. He can clearly remember the hurtful expression on her face when he told her to change into something in a disgusting manner. But like always he didn't mean it in that way but to make her believe he had to said that. But in reality he had never seen such a pure beauty in his entire life. Not even his girlfriends can able to match her beauty standards. And that's what now started to hunting his unstable mind.

So to calm down himself he headed straight into the shower room to take a cold shower.

On the other side when she came out of the changing room unable to find him in her room she just released a sigh of relief. Of course she was not ready to face his cold mood right now.

All through the day she did nothing but rest in her room while watching some series alone. Yes, even though she was alone in her room, that didn't made her feel scared because she knew sister Maria is there in the kitchen preparing the food. So she spend all day in her bedroom while occasionally went to help sister Maria in the kitchen. But she insisted her not to work but just rest as much as she can. She then ate her medicines and finally when she couldn't decide how to pass the time then she remembered about her diary.

Then realisation just hit her hard that she didn't write the memory of last night with Victon in her diary. So without wasting any more seconds she started to write each and every single detailed incidents and moments that happened between them last night. How he rescued her, how he brought her in his bike, how he took care of her and made dinner for her, applied medicine on her bruishes, kissed her and how he just slept beside her the whole night. It was still very hard for her to believe, but they all happened in reality! After blushing and fantasizing about him for a very long time she did went downstairs to help Sister Maria once again but she just scurried her away back to her room to do some rest. It was already the time for Victon to come back from the school. So she didn't wasted any more minute and went inside the bathroom to take a shower. But in full of his thoughts she forgot to bring the clothes with her and even forgot to lock the main door of her room. And when she came out of the bathroom she just found him sitting there waiting for her. Never in her wildest imagination she had thought he will get to see her in that condition. But then his next words just made her upset so much that even after changing into some comfortable cloths she couldn't dare to meet with him once again. But then she remembered that sister Maria must have leave already which means only she and Victon is there in the house.

She went downstairs to serve the dinner for both of them. She didn't saw him which means she concluded inside her mind that he must be taking shower right now. But it didn't take him long before he came downstairs for the dinner.

At that time she was putting the dishes on the table and when she felt his presence in that same room she looked up at him only to found his expected cold expression. She didn't uttered even a single word at that time and didn't bothered to talk with him either. First of all she was dying in embarrassment and second he just talked with her in a disgusted manner! She was still upset on him and if he wants to talk with her then he has to initiate the talk at first she thought and just completely ignored his presence as if she is the only one staying inside the house.

She then see from her side vision that he took his place on the chair and after that she took her respective place beside him. She started to serve him the dinner while the silence between them was still feeling very awkward to her.

She badly wanted him to say something to initiate some conversations in between them but that stubborn man was not even bothering about saying anything to her. What a troublesome man! she thought.

They both were in the middle of their eating when he finally said something, "You don't have to worry about the photos anymore. They haven't those photos of yours in their phone."

"Huh..." She looked at him with her shock filled face. Of course she won't ask him that how did he did that but she badly wanted to know that why did he do that? Is it because he is actually concerned about her image or because mama will not get offended when she will come to know about this. But in the next moment he just answered her unasked question.

"I'm doing this because I don't want anyone to think that how weak Isabella is actually that she couldn't able to defend herself from her bullies." He said the most unexpected answer to her which she felt like an invisible slap on her both the cheeks. How dare he think about her like that? She did every possible way to fight with them and she's even sure that none of them must not have come to college today because of their physical situation. Only she knew how she could able to tackle all those five girls with his own hands.

"How can you manage to talk like this V? Don't you feel even an ounce of guilt while blurting out these lies. I don't want to explain anything to you because I know that you know why did they managed to win against me!" She said and suddenly got up from her sit to leave but only to ended up being on his lap in the next moment. He didn't let her go at least not now when he has not done talking with her. And further more she barely even touched her food and there is no way he will let her go in an empty stomach.

"Don't you dare walk from here like that Stella? Don't forget that you are my responsibility right now, even if I want it or not! So just eat until you finishes everything and then only you can go wherever the hell you want to go!" He said coldly and it just managed to bring more tears in her eyes.

"Leave me V! I don't want to eat anything. Just leave me!"...


To Be Continued...