So Loyal Yet So Dumb.

"Well well well, what have we here?" Alpha Sanders walked into the room alongside Adams and his broken spear on his shoulder.

"You better stay off or I will fight you" A young male with alluring blue eyes threatened, his knuckles turned to a fist.

"Hand the girl over or I will have to kill you all" Alpha Sanders pointed directly towards the little girl cuddled firmly in the arms of another male standing behind the one that was threatening them. 

With the way they were protecting the little girl cautiously, he didn't need a diviner to tell him, she was Alpha Myer's daughter, Wren. 

There were three of them protecting the little girl.

"Never, you have to go through me first. '' Another young male with golden alluring eyes spat courageously, preparing himself for a fight.

"As you wish" Alpha Sanders bowed and striked the first attack alongside Adams fighting the other guy. Within matters of seconds, the two males laid dead on the floor.

"Hand her over and I might spare your life" Alpha Sanders smiled devilishly, moving closer to the last male cuddling the little girl in his arms. 

The male whispered something to the little girl's ear before dropping her on the floor. The little girl ran towards a small black desk beside the end of the wall and hid under it.

"Oh, why are you all so stubborn?" Alpha Sanders groaned out of frustration, watching the male fisting his knuckles and preparing himself for a fight. 

The wild midnight claws pack members didn't know when to give up on a fight even when their Alpha was dead. They were one hell of a loyal pack.

Adams balled his own fists, attempting to launch the fight attack but got dragged back by Alpha Sanders.

"I will take it from here" Alpha Sanders moved closer to the last male standing, as the both of them moved around the room in circles before the male initiated the first attack.

In which, Alpha Sanders dodged the punches and kicks he threw him carefully, and then attacked him with his spear.

Alpha Sanders wielded his spear towards the male which he dodged and avoided every single one of his attacks before he used another tactics and outsmarted him.

He didn't waste time and scratched the male with the spear successfully by the stomach when the male looked like he wasn't sensitive to the tactics he used in fighting him.

The hurt male crouched to the floor, wailing in pain and holding onto the open wound with blood gushing out non-stop in his lower abdomen.

Alpha Sanders moved closer to the hurt male on the floor as he hauled backwards till his back hit the wall, signifying the end of escape for him.

"You would have been useful to me with your nerves of steel" Alpha Sanders stooped low to the floor, watching the hurt male trying to escape and smiled, enjoying the torment he was passing through.

"But you choose to be against me" he sighed sadly, as if feeling sympathy towards the male, he hurt, himself. "Don't  bother escaping because you won't survive" 

"It was made out of silver" The eyes of the male he hurt widened enormously, on hearing Alpha Sanders' words as he pointed to the  spear. 

No wonder, the wound wasn't healing nor was the pain lessening, rather it was hurting him like hell. His entire face was flushed with hot sweat covering it.

Silver was known to weaken and hurt werewolves, and it could even kill them if it stayed too long on an open wound in their body just like his.

"She is Wren, Alpha Myers's daughter right?" The question was directed to the hurt male as Alpha Sanders stood up and pointed towards the desk the little girl was hiding under.

Alpha Sanders walked a few steps but got stopped by the hurt male on the floor still holding onto the open wound on his lower abdomen and holding onto Alpha Sanders's leg at the same time, preventing him from reaching the little girl he swore to protect till death.

"Let go" Alpha Sanders warned sternly, wriggling his leg but the grip was firm. The hurt male was lucky he hadn't finished the job of killing him, yet, he was getting on his nerves.

Alpha Sanders was regretting hurting him already, because of the great strength he possessed. He sensed the hurt male was a beta, but not an ordinary beta. 

If he engaged in a duel with an alpha, he could win with the great strength he possessed and even rule over a pack. 

Please...don't…hurt…her, spare her" the hurt male pleaded with a hoarse voice, his voice was almost faint. But he was holding on. He needed to protect his Alpha's daughter, it was an oath he swore and he wasn't going to back down on it.

Alpha Sanders didn't speak a word and kicked his hands off his leg with a grunt. And then walked a few steps but got held back, by the male clinging firmly onto his left leg again and refusing to let go.

"Get your dirty hand off my Alpha" Adams who stood still, watching the both of them silently couldn't take it anymore and rushed swiftly towards the hurt male and kicked his hand with all his might but he still refused to let go.

That kick swollened the hurt male's hand and was likely to cause a dislocation, but he didn't give up. 

Alpha Sanders let out a soft but evil grin, "this is one hell of a beta, so loyal yet so dumb" He pointed his spear to the hurt male's face, warning him to let go because he wasn't playing anymore. 

Playtime was over.

"Please I beg you" the hurt male spat blood out, the wound was hurting him immensely and he was still holding on, just for the sake of his Alpha's daughter.

The stubbornness of the hurt male was irritating Alpha Sanders and boiling his blood in rage. How could someone be so stubborn even on the verge of death?. 

He was even protecting someone that wasn't his as if it was his. Among all the werewolves he has ever killed pleading for something, this one was the most stubborn.

He was so loyal to his pack, he definitely wasn't the type to betray his pack unlike Jones, one of his pack members who betrayed him but later got killed by him after he found out he was betraying his pack.

Alpha Myers was so lucky to have such a beta in his pack.

Rage flooded throughout his entire body on remembering Jones, and without wasting time. He struck the hurt male in the heart.