Her Precious Little Soul.

"Alpha, stop!" Adams ran over to where Alpha Sanders stood, stabbing the hurt male incessantly with the tip of his spear made with silver, who was unconscious if not probably dead, due to the multiple stabs being struck on his chest by Alpha Sanders.

Adams tried stopping his Alpha from stabbing the hurt male more on the chest, but got flung away as if he weighed nothing to a side. But that only flared him, as he rushed back to him.

"Alpha Sanders, please stop!" He pleaded hopefully, and successfully got his alpha's attention as Alpha Sanders stepped away from the dead body. His blood-stained chest heaving up and down heftily.

Adams knew his alpha was so cruel and merciless whenever he was mad at something, but him murdering someone in such a cold blood infront of the little girl hiding under the desk who was peeping through a small narrow opening on the black desk which he observed was frightening her had to interfer and stop his alpha from squashing the male's chest into pieces.

Adams knew he also was cruel but his Alpha?, Alpha Sanders, was a beast.

"Why did you stop me, Adams?" Alpha Sanders questioned, his red ignited eyes glowed like wildfire out of control as he dashed towards Adams with great speed and grabbed him by the neck.

Adams's hands reached out for the tightened grip on his neck, trying to get it off his neck before it crushes his airways into pieces. 

If he doesn't find something reasonable to say next, then he was going to be the next person, Alpha Sanders was going to kill.

"Please, let…go.. she's…watching…" His hands pointed to the little girl who was hiding under the desk and peeping. Alpha Sanders followed the trail of his hands and let go of his neck.

Adams heaved a deep sigh of relief, thanking his good gods he survived his Alpha's wrath. 

Alpha Sanders moved closer to the desk, and took a deep but quick inhalation. His nose twitched as if it was struck by something so appetizing, the scent his nose was drawing in was so strong, dainty and extremely palatable.

His nose felt like it was going to explode any minute due to the strong irresistible scent of sweetness it was inhaling. And what bewildered him the most was, the scent coming from under the desk where the little girl was hiding. 

How could a little girl have such a strong scent?This was the first time for him to discover such an astonishing scent that was so appealing to his nose.

He swiftly dashed closer to the desk and flung it away. The little girl let out a shrill squeal, covering her eyes and dragging her knees up against her chest.

Alpha Sanders smiled atrociously, moving closer to the little creature in front of him. The little girl screamed as loud as she could, she screamed at the top of her lungs, hoping for a saviour. 

Unfortunately none came, the ones who were protecting her were all dead.

The huge monster with flaming red eyes in front of her was scaring the life out of her, so she couldn't help it anymore, and wet her pants.

Alpha Sanders watched the little girl in silence as she was trembling and screaming for help and only laughed when he saw her wet her pants, which was visible due to the fact that she was wearing short pink pants.

He knew she wet her pants out of fear.

He reached down for the little girl but she kicked and threw him punches with all her might, which he felt like water was being splashed at his chest.

He let out another soft laugh because of what the little girl was doing, she was really amusing him, by fighting him. As if she stood any chance of fighting him.

But the laughter withdrawed from his face, the moment she scratched his face with her tiny fingernails successfully after so many failed attempts.

Alpha Sanders grabbed her by the collar of the floral blue blouse she wore, pulling her up from the floor she was seated, throwing him punches. 

"Go away, monster!" The little girl screamed loudly with her eyes closed, she couldn't look the huge monster in front of her in the eyes, because he was scaring the wits out of her. 

She has seen her father that way but the huge monster in front of her looked absolutely nothing like her father, rather he looked so hideous and monstrous with the blood stains all over his face and body.

He looked like a monster.

"Daddy, help me!!! " 

Alpha Sanders heard her innocent plea for help from her father who she didn't know was long dead. He couldn't stop himself from laughing, so he burst out into an ear-piercing ugly laugh.

Adams watched the both of them silently from behind, his two hands on his neck soothing and rubbing it from the pain Alpha Sanders caused to it.

"Your precious father is dead, little bunny" Alpha Sanders whispered amidst laughing but it was loud enough for the little girl to hear.

The little girl paused out of shock, her body quivering and trembling due to fear. Her clothes soaked from the tears rolling down her cheeks and hot sweat flooding throughout her entire body. 

She was wiggling herself to set herself free from the huge monster with red eyes trying to devour her precious little soul. But stopped, the moment she heard her father was dead.

Her eyes closed and her head fell backwards, she blacked out.

Alpha Sanders stared at her awkwardly, and dropped the spear he held in his other hand to the floor. What was wrong with her?He didn't even touch her, yet, she blacked out.

He brought her down to the floor of the room gently, and his hands travelled up to her face. He held her by the jaw, turning her face side to side slightly to check out for any injury.

Was she dead?The little creature laying down in front of him puzzled him greatly. Was it possible for someone to die like that without being killed?.

"Adams, I think she's dead".