Her Lucky Day.

School was over just like Wren prayed for and after the little contemptuous conversation that happened in the restroom between her and the two Miss information, Chloe and Scarlett.

Another trouble awaited her at the hallway where she was taking some books out of her locker, the important ones she would study against the upcoming test next week just like Mrs Robinson announced in class.

And after taking them out, she wanted to close her locker when another hand forced it closed for her, almost crushing her fingers if she didn't get it out on time.

"Well, here comes another trouble" Wren groaned in a low tone and rolled her eyes. She turned to her side to find out the kind of trouble that came visiting, on her doorstep this time.  

And there stood the gorgeous queen bee of weston high, Quinn Young and her two best friends, Rachel and Eve who the others mostly see as her minions rather than her best friends, they called themselves.

"Wren sighed, and rubbed her temple. Quinn and her two minions visiting her meant trouble loomed around the corner. She remembers clearly not doing anything to make them come visit her on their own.

They were just bullies like Sandy and the rest of the others who bullied her since the day she stepped foot into Weston high, and never wanting to stop till they finally get what they want.

That was getting rid of her and if possible chasing her out of the dark venom pack, but since she was the Alpha's favorite. No one dared to or they would have Alpha Sanders to face.

Quinn smiled and shook her head slightly and her two minions followed suit, doing the same thing she was doing. Wren's brows lifted questionly. What was wrong with the three of them?No one has been able to answer this question even till today.

Everyone in Weston High knew the three of them loved doing the same thing, being at the same place together, always eating the same food, and also wearing the same type and colors of hairstyles.

The three of them always acted like robots, programmed to do the same thing at the same time and at the same moment. And that's what made them to be popular and trending in the whole Weston high school. 

If there were any other words more than popular, the three of them earned it. Which made them to be worshipped and feared greatly like some kind of queens by some students, who weren't able to defend themselves whenever they came for them.

Quinn and her two minions were real bullies for those who knew them too well in Weston high, they were hiding their real selves in the forms of pretending to be queens.

Unfortunately for Wren, she was a victim and not just any common victim. She was their number one most bullied victim in Weston high which everyone knew very well and didn't mess with unless they gave them permission to.

Just like Sandy who threw a pie to Wren's face in the hallway in the morning when she came to school.

"I heard you talked to my boyfriend this morning, is that true?" The question was shot directly to Wren who bent her head slightly, and made sure her eyes were glued to her feets. 

Seconds passed and almost turned to a minute but Wren still didn't speak a word, her head still bent slightly. Quinn stomped her foot on the floor of the tiled hallway to show Wren, she was getting mad.

And the sounds coming out of the long black heel Quinn wore reverberated loudly causing the few students still in the hallway to stare at the four of them, wondering curiously what was going on.

Low murmurs started to rain in and around the hallway, and it was coming from some nosy students not wanting to go back to the pack house when school was already over, but instead they all got their phones out, taking pictures and filming them. 

The two miss information, Chloe and Scarlett were not left out. 

That was so hurting to Wren, how could they all stand and watch her about to get bullied and no one was struggling to do anything about it?. Instead they were all prepared to watch the little drama that was about to happen between her and Quinn.

But what hurt Wren the most was the principal who passed through the hallway now and acted like nothing was actually going on there. The principal didn't give a damn since she was Quinn's mother and supported her pup, Quinn whenever she bullied anyone.

Her mother was the one who covered up any faulty crimes or action Quinn committed in school and no parents complained or tried doing anything about it, just because the Young family were well known and recognized as one of the strongest Betas in the dark venom pack.

Alpha Sanders had tried stopping the bullying Wren always faced at school, but the more he tried the lesser it was working. Wren didn't want to cause the generous man trouble in his pack, he was the only one who saved her and took her in as one of his own when she was abandoned by her real parents.

She had to convince him she was always fine, anything he asked her about school. She always said, "everything is fine". That was Wren's number one word always. This was high school, no matter how many times, bullying tried to be stopped or restricted. 

It would keep on elevating till the bullies decided to stop bullying for real.

"I asked you a question?" Quinn reminded Wren who she thought seemed to be lost in her own thoughts and was counting her toes, trying to avoid the question she asked her.

"I wasn't the one who talked to him" Wren finally raised her head, "He was the one who came over to my desk and talked to me" her electric blue eyes peered straight and firmly into Quinn's hazel eyes.

She could see the fury warming up in Quinn's eyes, she was mad at her and the reason must be, because she didn't give an answer to her question when Quinn asked her for the first time. 

Wren knew she had gotten on Quinn's nerves already and prepared herself for what was to come her way next. 

It definitely wasn't another question.

Quinn scoffed and flipped off the hair on her shoulder, and her two minons did the same. Eve and Rachel must be crazy, Wren thought and smiled, forgetting totally about the strict situation she was in.

That smile of hers got Quinn fuming more with rage, how could Wren smile when she knew she was getting on her nerves and so Quinn raised a hand. Her long claws were out, wanting to rip the smile off Wren's face but another hand held hers from behind.

Turning behind to check out who dared interrupting her, Quinn smiled and embraced him. "She isn't worth your time" The person whispered in her ear, still embracing her. 

Her rage was gone because it was Tyler Sanders, her boyfriend who was more of a king than boyfriend and she was his Queen.

Wren who turned her face to a side with her eyes closed and awaited the incoming  slap which never came, popped them open, only for her to see Quinn embracing Tyler.

She exhaled and leaned against the body of her locker. Tyler saved her, Wren would have called him her king in shining armor but he clearly wasn't. He was the lead tormentor and not Quinn. 

But she was still going to thank him at the pack house for saving her and not here where Quinn stood, before she rips her apart for trying such.

They both broke the embrace, and finally ended their intimate moment with a short kiss on their lips and Quinn turned to face Wren.

"Today's your lucky day Wren, see you later" She walked away with Tyler's fingers in between hers, and her two minions followed behind.

The other students who were taking pictures and filming them with their phones, sighed in disappointment and left. The action they waited for didn't happened. The two Miss information were the most disappointed.

Wren clutched her chest tightly and smiled while leaving the hallway, today was her lucky day indeed.