The End Of Her.

Wren walked into the pack house, which was built in the same compound with the school. The compound was enormously large and spacious to contain both Weston high and the pack house.

Alpha Sanders wasn't only an Alpha, he was a very successful wealthy business man too, who was well known by the government. He bought many plots of land and built his pack house and school in it.

Which was Weston high.

Weston high wasn't only created for high school students, it also had elementary sections where the little ones who were still growing up, went to.

Later in the evening, Wren came down from her room where she was studying to the dinette. She had read and studied most of the books she came home with for the upcoming test next week when her stomach started making rebellious noises.

She had to eat.

"Good evening to you, Dad" She walked straight to Alpha Sanders who was reading a newspaper and gave him a light peck on the cheek. The man smiled prettily as she took a seat beside him after she pecked him.

Wren calls him dad, as he calls her bunny. He gave her the permission to do.

"Fine evening to you sweet bunny, how was school today?" He brought the paper down and reached for her hand, and kissed the back of her palm and she smiled.

"Everything is fine at school, nothing to worry about dad" Wren assured the man, and continued smiling. Seeing the big smile on her face, Alpha Sanders was relieved. 

Maybe the bullying at school has stopped, he thought.

"Uh, Could you tell Tyler to come down here. I got something important to tell the both of you" Alpha Sanders said to Wren and she nodded her positively as she went back upstairs in search of Tyler.

Wren reached Tyler's room which was opposite hers and hesitated for a bit before knocking on his door. She knocked and there came no response so she knocked again but it was still the same thing.

No response.

So she intended to leave but stopped and grabbed the doorknob, forcing herself inside the room without Tyler's permission.

She was one hundred percent sure he was inside there but he was just ignoring her on purpose.

And the moment she entered and closed the door, her eyes saw what she wasn't supposed to see. Right on top of Tyler's bed, he sat stark naked with Quinn kneeling on the floor and giving him a blowjob.

Wren quickly held her mouth shut swiftly before she screams and alert the two couples who were lost in their world of intimate ecstasy and not seeming to know she was in the room.

So she turned back quickly, careful enough to make no noise as she took a step towards the door and stopped abruptly when she heard a voice say from behind.

"Look who decided to join us" Wren paused immediately out of shock, she didn't turn back, she dared not to and just stood there like that with her back facing the both of them.

That voice was from Tyler and she knew it, it was his voice. 

"Ooh, shit" She cursed under her breath in a low manner, and bit her lower lip. What was she going to do now? She only went down to the dinette to find something to eat when Alpha Sanders sent her to call his son Tyler which she did, by knocking on the door before going in and the idiot who she didn't know was enjoying an extremely passionate moment with his Queen didn't give a response.

And now she was in dip shit, none of them were going to believe her if she told them she had knocked first before coming into his room.

"You can turn now, our clothes are on" 

"Uh?" Wren exhaled slowly and turned to meet the both of them. She gave out a deep sigh of relief seeing that their clothes were truly back on their bodies just like they said. 

The both of them almost caused her a heart attack.

Before Wren could speak a word, Quinn walked up to her and raised her hand. She wanted to hit Wren but kept her hand down the moment she remembered they weren't in school, they were at the pack house.

And Alpha Sanders was around, if she tried to mess with Wren right there and right now. She would have Alpha Sanders to face. 

So instead of Wren, Quinn hit the door behind Wren and let out a frustrated yell.

"What the hell is wrong with you Wren?Don't you know how to knock?" Her heart was heaving up and down heavily, Wren just killed the special moment she was having with her king.

An unpredictable look was visible on Wren's face.

"Don't you know how to knock?" Was Quinn kidding her with that question? She was knocking on that stupid door for more than a minute and none of them responded and now she came into the room without Tyler's permission.

Quinn was yelling at her? She was sick.

Wren didn't utter a word and only stared at Tyler who sat on the bed and watched the both of them silently. Quinn followed the trail of her eyes and found out she was staring at her king and so she asked Tyler.

"Aren't you going to ask her to leave?" Quinn's brows furrowed, she was fuming with rage inside, all because of stupid Wren and Tyler wasn't helping out at all.

Tyler got up from the bed, and moved to the both of them. His gaze was locked up on Wren who he observed was quivering already and then he laughed.

"You're laughing?" Asked Quinn over to her king, he didn't seem to be bothered like she was over Wren who disturbed their special moment.

Quinn couldn't take it anymore, so she opened the door and left the room angrily but not without giving Wren a ferocious glare. Wren swallowed hard, knowing what that glare meant. 

She was in trouble.

"Father sent me to call you" She announced to Tyler and dashed out of the room quickly without wasting time. Tyler smiled and followed her.

Back to the dinette, Wren sat down and fixed her gaze firmly on her hands, making sure she avoided the awkward stares Tyler was shooting at her from the opposite chair he sat on.

Alpha Sanders looked at the both of them, studying them closely and observed the obvious tension growing in between Wren and Tyler in the dinette. Something must have happened when he asked Wren to call Tyler for him.

So he intended to chase the tension in the dinette away and cleared his throat before speaking.

"I will be leaving for a short trip tomorrow".

"What?!" Wren yelled while Tyler smiled. Let it not be true or that short trip of Alpha Sanders would be the end of her.