She Didn't Need A Babysitter.

"What?!" Wren yelled and Tyler smiled, that devilish smile of his while Alpha Sanders asked worriedly.

"Why, what is wrong bunny" Alpha Sanders asked Wren with a worried look on his face, the way she screamed after he announced he was going to leave for a short trip tomorrow worried him.

He knows Wren wouldn't want him to leave because if he leaves, she was going to be bullied both at school and the pack house but he also had to leave for the short important business trip he had to attend to.

It was just a two day trip and he would be back to take care of his pack, afterall, a pack wouldn't be able to survive without its Alpha. 

Wren's lips threatened to turn down, her face was contorted and her brows knitted while Tyler stared at her and almost laughed but held it in because he was in the presence of his father and he dared not to misbehave.

"I want to go with you" Her face finally turned to a scowl which Alpha Sanders stared at and felt guilt in his heart at that certain moment. Instead of seeing Wren, he saw her father in those electric oceanic blue eyes of hers. 

She resembled her father, Alpha Myers completely, who he was now feeling bad for killing. No, he didn't killed him. He slaughtered him and blamed it on his anger, if only he had controlled his anger. 

He would have accepted the truce Alpha Myers called for back in those days, and prevent that stupid war from occuring.

He couldn't keep hiding the truth from Wren forever, nothing stays hidden forever which he knows very well that Wren was still going to find out about it one day, which was sooner or later. 

And he has prepared himself for that day that is to come, but the only thing he wasn't prepared for was how he was going to face her.

If he had known he would love Wren this way, he wouldn't have allowed Adams to bring Wren with them and now Adams was no where to be found. Wren was now stuck with him and that was what caused him to love her so much and became very fond of her.

She was much more sweeter and obedient than his stubborn headed pup, Tyler. The one who never ceased to amaze him.

"Dad, dad" 

"Uh, what is it?" Alpha Sanders's thought was roused from hibernation by Wren who shook him out of it. He was lost in thought thinking about those days he was on the battlefield with Alpha Myers and forgot completely about the present.

"You zoned out there for a second" Said Wren to Alpha Sanders and he rubbed his face, Wren looked at him closely, observing the troubled look on his face.

He was restless and she could see it.

"Sorry, it's just this little trip of mine. It got me really worked up" Alpha Sanders exhaled slowly, rubbing his forehead softly.

"I can go with you, you know and help out with the little ones I can do" Wren smiled, hoping for a positive response from him but he shoved her idea away with a wave of his hand.

"It's okay bunny, papa can handle it" He pinched her cheek playfully and Wren giggled. Tyler watched the little lovely father and daughter drama they were displaying and almost puked. 

It bored him to death and he couldn't take it anymore, so he stood to walk away.

"I'm not done talking to the both of you, Tyler" He heard his father say behind him and he went back to his seat with a grunt. Wren stole a glance at him and looked away immediately, before his dangerous emerald eyes would catch hers.

"Beta Williams will be incharge while I'm away, it's only a two day business trip and I will be back" Alpha Sanders uttered, "And Tyler I'm putting you in charge of Wren while I'm away" He added.

"What?!" That 'what?!" came from two different directions, one came from Wren and the other came from Tyler who has been silent the whole time.

"What, what is wrong?" Alpha Sanders was startled by the way both Wren and Tyler screamed at his last sentence. 

He knew the both of them didn't move along with each other but Tyler was still the last trusted person he could put in charge of Wren while he would be away than any other.

Adams would have been the one but he wasn't around, so that left him no other option than to choose Tyler.

"No, it can't be Tyler there has to be"

"I will take good care of her, dad" Tyler dived into her statement, cutting her short before she could finish and Wren darted her eyes over to him, as he waved his fingers.

"Okay, that is settled already, and I hope she doesn't lose a singer hair on her body" The warning was made very clear to Tyler and he nodded.

"Ooh, f**k this" Wren cursed under her breath and rubbed her temple. She only came down from her room to find something to eat but decided to meet Alpha Sanders she saw in the dinette on her way to the kitchen.

Wren needed nobody to tell her she was in deep shit already, she has Quinn to face at school tomorrow and now Tyler to face at home everyday till Alpha Sanders return.

She wasn't a baby so she didn't need a babysitter.

Alpha Sanders was just trying to protect her from her bullies which she knows very well more than him, but it was better for her to be bullied than for her to be under Tyler's care.

The devil doesn't care for anyone, he torments them and that was exactly what she fears, Tyler's going to do to her.

Wren was totally screwed up, Tyler was only the nicest person on earth to her whenever he was around his father but only her who knew he was such a good actor and a huge pain in her ass knows pretty well, she was fucked up already.

And only the heavens could save her.

Alpha Sanders felt relieved, his mind was now free and settled but not from the two days business trip he told them he was going to, only that it wasn't really a business trip.

He lied to Wren and Tyler, which he did due to the fact he didn't want to worry any of them.

It was actually a trip to Alaska for him to find his brother, Adams. He got a call from another werewolf pack, concerning the whereabouts of Adams.

Getting information wasn't hard for him since his pack, the dark venom pack, was the biggest and the strongest pack in the whole of America. 

He was well recognized with great connections and influences and had no trouble in finding things he searched for, and he hoped the trip wouldn't be a waste of time because he really needed to find his brother.
