
"So that means those rumors are false because you guys are actually life savers!" Scarlett exclaimed excitedly and Quinn and her minions faked a laugh. They just won the student's hearts. 

Everyone appreciated and clapped for their Queen and her minions, for saving Wren's life. Quinn was delighted but she wasn't done with her speech so she raised a hand up, indicating for them to stop with their clapping and they obeyed.

"I know you all do see me as a bad person sometimes but I'm not" Quinn expressed sadly, and also faked tears as she continued, "I would never see my fellow students and refuse to help them when they are in dire need of help".

The students who knew the real Quinn and always got bullied by her almost puked at that last statement Quinn dropped, they couldn't stay in class and left. The fake act Quinn was displaying made them so sick to their stomach and they couldn't watch anymore.

And left.

"Now I think this would be the end of this interrogation, because I got some important things to do," Quinn announced firmly and dismissed herself along with her minions from the crowd surrounding them and wanting to get more answers from her.

Quinn raised her chin up high and straightened her shoulders as she found her way over to her seat with her loyal minions behind, her heart throbbed greatly with joy.

Her mom's plan of making her go down on her knees to apologise to a lowlife like Wren was never going to work out, because she just sort everything out. 

The only thing remaining was for her to be able to persuade Wren into admitting to attempt suicide which she knew wasn't a hard job because Wren feared her and would do it without her persuading Wren for a second time.

Quinn settled her butt down on her seat and smiled prettily, her plan worked out more easier than she thought it would. Rachel sat beside her by the right hand side while Eve sat by the left.

Rachel wasn't happy with what Quinn did just now, she knew they would be questioned when they came into the classroom, but the one thing she didn't know was that Quinn already had a plan in mind without telling her or Eve.

It was unlike Quinn.

The three of them had never for once done anything without telling each other about it, even during tough times like the one they were passing through now. But she couldn't blame Quinn for actually covering  the truth up with a lie when she was supposed to say the truth instead.

The three of them had passed through tough times together but this time was two folds tougher than the other times. The only thing Rachel prayed for was for Quinn to prepare herself for whatever that was to come their way after she lied for the three of them.

Rachel was going to apologize to Wren just like Quinn's mother told them to, Wren may forgive her quickly if she did that, rather than following Quinn's footsteps and getting herself into a worse situation than the one they were already in.

She was going to apologise to Wren when Quinn or Eve would not be in sight, Rachel finally made up her mind.

Eve on the other hand was still fuming with rage inside of her, she raised her neck a bit and peeped to find out what Quinn was watching in her phone that was amusing her so much, up to the extent of laughing.

To her greatest surprise, Quinn was actually watching the video where she was kneeling and apologising to her. Eve balled her fists in anger and just sat on her seat quietly. 

There was nothing she could do, she had no power.

"Oh, so funny" Quinn commented amusingly and let out a soft chuckle while Eve scowled her face and watched her quietly. Eve got bored of watching the video so she switched off her phone.

It was break period and there was no teacher in class, everyone was engrossed in a conversation with one another. The mated ones were kissing and having fun with their mates while the unmated watched with hurt and prayed for them to be mated soon.

The classroom was lively but one thing was still amiss. Quinn's king, Tyler wasn't in class making Quinn ponder deeply about where he was as she turned behind her to search for him in his seat and he wasn't there.

She hasn't seen him since after he took Wren to the clinic, where on earth could he possibly be?. Her brows knitted sadly as she wondered where her king was. Could Wren be possibly trying to make out with him?.

Quinn's facial expression contorted into that of an angry bull dog at the thought of Wren trying to make out with her king so she rose to her feets in search of him. 

Her minions were too perturbed to follow her, so they sat on their seats and wondered deeply about what happened today to them. It looked fictional, as if they were acting in an unending tragic movie.

Quinn rose to her feets in search of her king and Wren but stopped abruptly at the sight of him standing at the entrance door of the classroom. Tyler's demeanor screamed unusually calm and his poker face was so straight without a single smile creeping on his beautiful face.

Raging fury was more than visible in his emerald green eyes and his face darkened with shades of anger. His brows furrowed maliciously and his eyes twitched as if something were under pinching them.

It has been a really long time since Quinn had seen her King's face like that and she couldn't remember the last time she saw him that way. His polite handsome face was gone and his face looked shockingly hideous.

If he wasn't her king, she would have called him a monster.

But that hideous look on her King's face didn't stopped her from embracing him, Quinn broke the embrace and everyone's attention in class were on the king and Queen as they all watched with curious eyes and ears.

"I missed y-"

Quinn's statement trailed off the moment her king asked, "What the hell happened between you and Wren in the restroom?".