His Hero.

"I missed y-"

Quinn's statement trailed off the moment her king asked, "What the hell happened between you and Wren in the restroom".

Quinn's body quivered shakily and her legs almost went numb if she had not held herself firmly, she embraced Tyler and wasn't even done with her statement when he cut her short by asking about what happened in the restroom with Wren.

That was the least question she expected from him and it was about Wren. Why does she feel like she was starting to lose her king to Wren slowly, Quinn was never going to allow such a thing to happen.

It would only happen over her dead body.

Everyone's curiosity in class just maximized to a hundred percent as they watched both the king and Queen together, they could sense the king was mad at something caused by the scary look on his face.

What could have possibly made him that mad?, Or who?.

The females in the class that usually go on with their harmonious 'aww' sound didn't go again this time the king was in class, they could also sense he wasn't happy because of his scary face. The two Miss information got their phones out and started filming the king and queen.

They knew something was definitely going on between the king and Queen and they weren't going to miss any show that was about to rain down, so they filmed them.

Tyler was mad at Quinn but as mad as he was at her, he wasn't going to be a jerk by  humiliating her in front of the whole class. He knew how much she adored her popularity, so he pulled her by the arm and out of the class to somewhere more private before Quinn could give a response to his question.

As much as the reporters and the two Miss information worshiped gossip, they didn't dare to move out of their seats in search of the Queen and king to know what was going on between them.

The king's mad face was more than enough to scare them away without him uttering a word, Simon and Lawson didn't bothered to follow Tyler and Quinn, they had played their own parts and had no business in whatever Tyler was going to do to his Queen.

He wasn't going to hurt her no matter how mad he was at her, that was all they knew. Quinn was his woman. Simon walked into the classroom and went over to Rachel to cheer her up from whatever trouble that was pestering her mind.

They were fully bonded mates so he could feel her emotions and could tell she wasn't happy, so he went over to cheer her up.


The school library was the only place Tyler could find that was calm with no nosy or prying students in it, so he took Quinn there and locked the door as soon as they got into the library.

There weren't any surveillance cameras in the part of the library where Tyler took Quinn in, so he stopped and turned to ask her again.

"What the hell happened between you and Wren in the restroom, Quinn?" Tyler's anger subsided a little and his voice was calm, but one could still observe the hint of harshness in it when he asked Quinn that question.

Quinn rolled her eyes and crossed her arms between her chest before speaking, "It was nothing serious, okay?" She shook her head affirmatively.

"I was just trying to teach her a lesson for intruding on our special moment last night" She pouted temptingly with puppy dog eyes and rubbed her King's hard chest seductively, with hope he would just forget about Wren and give in to her.

Tyler knew what Quinn was trying to do, she was trying to make him give in to her so he would not scold her for attempting murder on Wren. 

She had the puppy dog eyes on, which was the one thing she always used to catch him off guard so that he wouldn't scold her whenever she made him mad, but it wasn't going to work out this time. 

Tyler was too mad to let his Queen off the hook.

He had to scold her for taking things too far by attempting murder on Wren, What if Wren had not woken up when he performed CPR on her and she died. What would he have said to his father about Wren when his father asks about her after he returned from his business trip?.

Tyler knew Wren was definitely the first thing his father would ask about when he returned from his business trip.

"You went too far this time Quinn and almost killed Wren, what if she hadn't woken up when I performed CPR on her?What would you have said to my father?. You know how much he loves Wren".

Quinn got pissed off at her King's questions, he wasn't even paying attention to the seductive massage she was giving him on his chest and worried only about Wren, so she stopped it. Wren has infected her King's mind like a plague faster than she even thought.

Quinn put her hands down and scoffed disdainfully, "Wren didn't die and all thanks goes to you. So there's nothing to worry about, just chill, okay? Quinn waved her King's worry-filled questions aside with a wave of hand.

Tyler watched his Queen with incredulity and couldn't believe his eyes with the way she was acting and gave no damn about what he said to her now. Was she even listening to him?. 

Quinn seemed more than carefree when he mentioned his father to her in his statement. Seems like she has forgotten his father doesn't like her for a bit and she was going to be in trouble for attempting murder on Wren when his father comes back from his two days business trip.

"Sometimes I really can't believe you're actually my girlfriend, Quinn" Tyler's words caused Quinn's body to be as stiffed as a poker and he continued not minding Quinn who stared at him in disbelief, "You almost murdered Wren and you're acting as if you didn't almost committed a crime" Tyler's voice was cold and hard as he spoke to his Queen.

Quinn made him speak to her that way, if she wasn't acting so naive then he would have been nicer to her.

"What would you have done if I had not come into the restroom and saved Wren?, huh?Tell me what the hell you would have done!?" Quinn became so scared and frightened as Tyler asked her more questions and scolded her at the same time.

Tyler didn't mean to scold her but he was too mad at that same moment to calm down, if his father, Alpha Sanders hadn't taught him what he knows today including the CPR he performed on Wren in order for him to survive in any difficult situation he finds himself in one day.

Then he wouldn't have been able to save Wren, his father maybe be a cold Alpha but he certainly knows how to teach people the best ways to survive in life.

Tyler may not be his father's little boy anymore but Alpha Sanders was still his hero.