Her Popularity.

"I'm sorry, okay?" Quinn faked crocodile tears, "It wasn't intentional, I only wanted to scare her and nothing else. I didn't intend to attempt murder. Why the hell is everyone on Wren's side and against me" Quinn carried on with her fake crocodile tears but deep inside of her, she was feeling a little bit hurt.

Quinn was actually telling the truth, she only wanted to scare Wren and not attempt murdering her, she was so excited when she punished Wren by dipping her face inside of the toilet and got lost in the moment of doing it and that was when she forgot to pull Wren's face out of the toilet untill Wren lost consciousness.

Tyler watched his Queen as she wept, it hurt him deep down watching her weep but he at the same time wanted to teach her a lesson too, as she did to Wren. So the next time she bullied someone else which he knows she probably would still do even after today's incident, she would make sure she doesn't attempt murder on the person in the process.

"You shouldn't be sorry to me but to Wren, she's the one who needs the apology" Tyler made known to Quinn earning a vicious glare from her, and she stopped weeping the moment her king dropped that statement.

"You can't be serious Tyler, You're kidding me right?" Quinn stared at her King's face and read it, she shook her head slowly observing the serious look plastered on his face. He wasn't kidding her at all when he dropped that statement. Why was everyone trying to make her apologise to Wren?.

She almost murdered Wren mistakenly and not actually killed her, so why was everyone against her? And her king too.

"I can't do that" Quinn pointed out firmly, she simply was never going to do that, apologising to Wren?. It would never happen.

"What did you say?"

"I said i'm not going to do it"

"You're going to do it, just as your mom told you to do and on your knees" Quinn was shocked to the core when Tyler dropped that statement. How did he know her mom told her to apologise to Wren and on her knees?.

Tyler could see the confusion written all over his Queen's face, he could sense she was probably wondering about how he knew her mom told her to apologise to Wren on her knees and he explained to her before she could drop a word.

"After taking Wren over to the clinic, I searched for you at the principal's office just as Simon told me to, your mom told me everything and she wasn't wrong, Quinn" Tyler paused, studying his Queen's face as she tried digesting what he said to her.

"The only way my father would ever let you go when he finds out about what you did to Wren is you going down on your knees" Tyler pointed to her knees," And apologising to her".

"I can't do that Tyler, I can't go down on my knees. I simply can't!" Quinn yelled, her hands pulling her hair roughly. "I have everything totally under control, All..all I have to do is to talk to Wren and maybe then she would just forgive me" Quinn's lips trembled with fear.

By having everything under control, she meant the lies she said to those cameras that filmed her in class.

"Do you seriously think, giving Wren a silly pep talk would actually make her change her mind that easily?" Tyler was dumbfounded at his Queen's naiveness, so he said to her again.

"Even if you somehow get Wren to forgive you without you going down on your knees, my father would never let you go for hurting Wren. He's going to still punish you Quinn for hurting his favorite, so the least you could do for now is what your mom told you to do" Tyler pointed to his Queen's face. 

He cared truly for Quinn and knew what his father was capable of doing to her if the news of her almost murdering his favorite somehow reached him, his father was going to make sure Quinn suffered more than the hurt and humiliation Wren suffered when Quinn pulled her face inside of a toilet.

Tyler knew his father had always wanted to punish Wren's bullies, but because Wren being a good girl and not wanting to bring division into the pack always told his father to leave them alone. 

But this time, Quinn committed an intense crime more than bullying which he knew she surely was going to get held responsible for, no matter how many times she tried escaping from it.

"You don't understand how much my father cares for Wren, Quinn" Tyler's voice was calm as he explained to Quinn, "He would stop at nothing until he makes sure you get punished for what you did to Wren" He explained to the confused Quinn pacing round the library and biting her fingernails nervously.

"The only way I know he would let you go is you getting down on your knees and apologising to Wren and to the whole school just like your mom told you to" Quinn was trying everything in her power to calm the nervousness growing inside of her, but the moment Tyler dropped that statement, the nervousness maximized.

She was still thinking of how she was going to apologise to Wren with her knees glued to the floor and now her king brought up another stupid idea of her mom, which was for her going down on her knees again and apologizing to the whole school for her attempting murder on a fellow student.

What about the lies she said in front of the cameras that filmed her in class?What would happen to her when everyone finds out she actually lied to them when she goes down on her knees and apologizes to the whole school?.

Quinn was going to lose her popularity, oh no!. That was so terrible and must not happen.

If only that lowlife called Wren hadn't come into her King's room that night, then none of this would have been happening. She wouldn't have dipped Wren's face into a toilet if only Wren didn't come into her King's room.

Quinn wanted to speak but the words refused to come out, it was stuck in her windpipe and not wanting to come out. She was going to swallow her pride and apologize to Wren and the whole school.

But you all should know Quinn wasn't going to do it because of her mom, or for the school. She was going to do it because of her king, Tyler.

One thing was still stuck on her mind like a plague infecting her mind with an incurable infection, her popularity.

Quinn was never going to lose it, she was going to find a way to apologise to Wren and the whole school without losing her popularity.

"I'm going to do it, but I'm definitely not doing it because anyone or my mom wants me to, I'm doing it only because you want me to".