She Became The Good Girl. (The Continuation Of Wren's Remembrance).

"Where's papa?He's taking too long to find me" The smile on little Wren's face had turned to a scowl and her brows furrowed with her lips also threatening to turn down.

That question was directed to Allen seated next to her, but he ignored her and stared at Daniel before moving his gaze to Stewart who shook his head negatively just as Daniel did.

How was Allen going to explain to little Wren her father went for war and not hunting?He couldn't speak a word so he kept mute. No one could actually blame him, he had nothing to say to her.

It has been a long time since Alpha Myers told little Wren to hide with Daniel, Stewart and Allen that he was coming to find her but she hasn't seen him since then. And she also saw no signs of him coming to find her, so she asked Allen again after he ignored her first question.

"Allen?" Little wren pulled him by the trousers he put on and pinched him hard enough to gain his attention since he was ignoring her on purpose. Allen winced silently in pain and turned to face little Wren.

A mischievous smile crept up at the end of her lips when she saw Allen turning to face her, so she asked him again.

"Papa is taking too long to find me, can you go tell him I'm hiding in the guestroom on the upper floor so he could come find me quickly?" Wren stared at him firmly with puppy dog eyes which Allen tried resisting but little wren looked too cute for him to ignore, so he gave up on ignoring her and said to her.

"Okay I will go, but stay here with Stewart and Daniel. I will be right back" Allen left the room without mentioning a word to little Wren and moved over to the door. Daniel locked the door swiftly as soon as he left. 

Little Wren was disturbing Allen with a lot of questions about her papa, which he tried avoiding but the girl was too obstinately persistent. So he had no other choice than to pretend to look for her father and just come back after pretending to search for Alpha Myers.

Something was wrong somewhere and little Wren still couldn't sense it. It didn't seem as if they were playing hide and seek at all, because no one was actually hiding.

In fact, it looked as if they were guarding her instead of helping her to find a place to hide in the guestroom so her father wouldn't find her when he came searching for her.

Daniel leaned against the door while Stewart sat on a couch and stared at the empty ceiling. The guest room bored little Wren to death but she couldn't utter a damn word, among the three males her father brought to play hide with her. 

Allen turned out to be the most friendly.

Little Wren sat on a couch all by herself with her fingers interlocked between each other as she studied the two males she was left with. Allen was gone and was taking too much to come back. What the hell was actually going on?.

"I need to find papa" Little wren murmured in a very low manner Daniel and Stewart couldn't hear, but she still hoped they heard her because she found it hard talking to them. 

Little Wren couldn't just sit on a couch all night without doing anything so she thought of an excuse to leave the guest room in search of her father.

"I want to go back to bed, Papa's taking too long to come find me" Little Wren remarked and faked a sleepy yawn stretching her hands out widely with hope she would gain Daniel and Stewart's full attention, but they just stole a short glance at her and ignored her.

Little Wren pouted her lips in anger and her hands formed akimbo on her slender waist. No one ever listened to her whenever she talked, the only time anyone listened or paid attention to her was when her father was beside her and now he wasn't, everyone totally ignored her.

Little Wren didn't know if it was because of her height that she always got mocked and looked down on, and though she was ten and small in height, that didn't stop little Wren.

No one was going to look down on her this time she wanted to search for her father.

Annoyed by the way Daniel and Stewart looked down on her and ignored her, she got up from the couch in anger and stomped her foot on the floor loud enough with hostility and her hands still formed akimbo on her slender waist.

And that did the magic for her, because both Daniel and Stewart turned towards her direction to see the little creature in front of them stomping her foot in anger with her hands formed akimbo on her slender waist and disturbed them.

A satisfied wicked smile appeared at the corner of little Wren's lips, she finally gained their attention.

"I said I want to go to bed!".

Daniel who leaned against the door got off it and walked closer to little Wren who was now quivering with fear and staggered back slowly. 

F**k, she felt so brave earlier when she told them she wanted to go back to bed but now Daniel was coming closer to her, he instilled fear in her.

She felt like he was going to devour her caused by the way he licked his lips in malevolence and walked closer to her.

Little wren staggered back and fell to the couch, with her body still quivering shakily.

And Daniel then hovered down to meet with her height and said to her, "I want you to do one thing for me, would you?" Daniel's deep voice echoed loud enough for little wren to hear and she nodded her head affirmatively without her staring at his alluring blue eyes. 

She was too scared to be brave at that strict moment, so she just nodded her head and kept mute.

"I need you to keep your mouth shut till your papa comes to find you, okay?" Little Wren's trembling hand held her lips shut and she nodded her head for the second time.

"Good girl" Daniel brushed his hand down Little Wren's soft platinum blonde hair and she smiled on hearing him call her a good girl. Daniel smiled and moved back over to the door.

Little Wren's heart that was pounding so loudly when Daniel lured near her calmed down and started beating normally. He only wanted to scare her by making her shut up and not actually hurt her, but little Wren's mind travelled a long way far from that, but her mind actually relaxed now Daniel moved back over to the door.

Stewart stared at little Wren and chuckled scornfully, she was acting all tough a few seconds ago and now Daniel just scared her a little bit. She became the good girl.