A Mean Quinn.

"If you choose not to do it Quinn, then I will have no other choice to let my father know what you did".

"You don't mean it, Tyler"

"Yes I do, Quinn"

Tears wanted to roll down Quinn's cheeks but she fought them back hard. This was the first time for her to be so embarrassed and the worst of all, was that it happened to be in front of that lowlife,


Wren lifted her face to meet with Quinn's gaze and Quinn shot her mean glares causing Wren to swallow hard. Quinn was still definitely going to deal with her when all that show going on in the clinic would be over, especially if she ever went down on her knees to apologise to her.

So Wren must stop that from happening, if she ever wanted to survive in Weston high ever again.

"Please don't make her do it Tyler" Wren got up from the bed, to her feet and almost fell because of the way she got up from the bed with intense speed. She suddenly felt dizzy and almost fell but Tyler was beside her to catch her on time.

Quinn's eyes widened as she gasped out of shock, watching the silly romantic drama Wren was playing with her king on purpose but she wasn't able to do anything.

If she tried doing anything like getting Wren off her King's arms, he might shove her aside like he did before so she just stood still, gritting her teeth in anger and looked away from Tyler and Wren.

"Are you okay?" Tyler asked Wren as she got off from his arms and she nodded with her cheeks turning red. "You shouldn't have gotten up, you are still weak" He helped, moved Wren back to the bed and she sat down on it.

And before Tyler could turn to face his Queen, she was already down on her knees.

Everyone in the clinic gasped out of shock, but Eve was the most shocked. If anyone ever told her Quinn would ever do such a thing, nothing would ever make her believe unless she saw it with her own eyes.

Which she saw happening right now.

Tyler was so stunned that words couldn't actually come out of his lips anymore, he was dumbfounded watching his Queen on her knees and right now he was feeling kind of guilty watching her do it.

He shouldn't be guilty, after all he was the one who forced her too. So why was he feeling guilty now?.

"I'm so sorry for attempting murder on you, Wren. Forgive me and don't report me to Alpha Sanders" Quinn pleaded with her gaze glued to the floor of the clinic. She wasn't able to stare Wren in the eyes, so she glued them to the floor and continued pleading.

"And please don't be a b*tch and just give me a quick response, my knees are hurting. You don't have to make it so obvious that you are enjoying this already" Wren was about to tell Quinn to get off her knees but that statement of Quinn's left her speechless.

Was that the way someone was supposed to apologize and also expected to get her apology accepted?. Wren shouldn't have gotten her hopes high for Quinn has always been that way.

A mean Quinn.

"Quinn, please you can get up now, I never meant for you to..." Wren's sentence trailed off abruptly before she could even finish, caused by the way Quinn got up to her feet and zoomed off, smashing the door hard against the wall as she left.

Eve shot Wren a cruel glare before she chased after Quinn who zoomed off. Tyler took two steps forward to chase after Eve who chased after Quinn. She was probably just trying to find a way to escape and avoid going down on her knees to apologise to Wren.

Though Quinn was a b*tch when she apologized to Wren who just accepted the apology the rude way it came without complaining and stopped Tyler before he could chase after Eve and make her go down on her knees to apologise to her too.

Quinn had done enough, so one else should go down on their knees just to apologise to her.

"Please don't" Wren held Tyler back by the arm. "Just let her go" she shook head slowly, letting go of Tyler's arm when she saw he had stopped in his tracks. Tyler tried resisting because he had always been stubborn but the innocent look Wren had in her eyes made him stop.

"I'm really sorry too for attempting murder on you. I never meant to, please forgive me" Rachel rushed towards Wren and fell to her knees, shedding crocodile tears. Simon tried running after Rachel but Lawson held him back and he stopped, realizing that was the right thing for Rachel to do.

"Please enough," Wren got up from the bed,"don't ever go down on your knees ever again" She helped Rachel up back to her feet and was shocked as Rachel threw her arms around her and embraced her tightly.

Was that Rachel the popular queen bee of Weston high embracing her?.

"I promise not to bully you anymore, I'm also sorry for always being a b*tch towards you" Rachel sobbed heavily, still embracing Wren tightly who ran her hands down Rachel's hair, comforting her.

"It's alright, please stop crying. You are making me feel real bad here" Wren whispered softly to Rachel while embracing her. The embrace lasted up to a minute and Rachel had stopped sobbing.

"Come on, let's go" Simon came in between the duo and pulled Rachel away and the both of them left the clinic, leaving only Tyler and Lawson.

Lawson looked around the clinic and saw he was the only odd one there, so he signaled Tyler that he was going to leave and then left.

Wren and Tyler were now the only ones remaining in the clinic and that was when things started to get pretty awkward. Tyler just kept on staring at Wren who shifted her gaze from him to somewhere else, biting her lips softly as she shied.

Goosebumps suddenly covered her arms and shivers ran down her spine. Why was Tyler still here with her?He should just go and chase after his Queen to comfort her because she was probably heartbroken wherever she was.

An awkward silence reigned in the clinic for a few seconds as Tyler and Wren both waited and anticipated, on who was going to be the first to speak up.

"Why are-"

"I'm sorry for-"

Wren decided to be the first to speak but Tyler interrupted. "You can go first" he scratched the back of his head slightly. That moment was really awkward.

"Okay" Wren smiled softly and took a deep breath in before asking. "Why are you being nice to me all of a sudden?It scares me because I know how much you hate me" How Wren was able to ask Tyler that question surprised her due to the fact he really scared her but since he decided to be nice to her. 

Wren would never let go of that free opportunity to ask him that question. Tyler tried giving Wren a response to her question but the moment he tried speaking and the words refused to come. He just opened his mouth and shut them.

He himself absolutely had no idea on why he suddenly became nice to Wren.

So who was going to help him explain?.