The Comforter.

"Quinn, slow down!" Eve yelled, shooing the students out of her way, and panting with her hair flying in all directions as she kept on chasing after Quinn who kept on running faster than a flash when she heard Eve's voice from behind.

She heard Eve's voice from behind her but she just kept on running, and not giving a listening ear to Eve who has been chasing after her and calling her name repeatedly since after she left the clinic.

Tyler was the one supposed to chase after her and not Eve. But where was he?, Eve was the least person Quinn wanted to talk to right now. She was broken-hearted and Tyler was the only one who could heal her broken heart by apologizing to her and make her feel less embarrassed than she was feeling right now.

"Just leave me alone, Eve. f**k off!" She finally talked to Eve but with a harsh tone. Eve was supposed to leave Quinn alone just as Quinn warned her to, but she wasn't going to do that. 

She needed to find out where Quinn was heading to and stop her, if she was planning to go do something worse than the one she had already done.

She knew Quinn was embarrassed and more than pissed off because she actually went down on her knees to apologise to Wren and the worst of all, was her King who forced her to. 

Today was certainly the worst day of her life in school which she could never forget.

Quinn ran and stopped on reaching the school library, she forced the door open only for her to see a few students wandering around the library while some were reading and some were doing something naughty

Quinn's eyes rolled round the library and there was no time to waste because she needed a place to cool down before the tears would start forcing themselves out on their own so she yelled. "Everybody get lost!!!".

Quinn's voice was so loud as it resonated  loudly across the noisy library, conquering the noise coming out from the students in it, even startling some students whose attention weren't on her or even aware of her presence in the library.

Everyone suddenly turned, tracking down the trail of the voice, and also wondering who it belonged to. They all gasped out of shock as they saw the Queen standing beside the door.

Quinn didn't need to utter a single word or yell for the second time and before the blink of an eye. Everyone had begun to rush out of the library because nobody wanted to disobey the queen or else that person was surely going to go through the Queen's cruel wrath.

And nobody wanted that since none of them were brave enough to do so, Quinn was a senior and her mom was the principal and Quinn was also a bully and the one incharge of the school. 

She was the school rules and regulations So if anyone dared to stand against her then that person must have power, one that could be equalized to Quinn's.

Quinn slammed the door shut but it wasn't fully shut due to Eve, who stood behind her stopped it before it could finally close and moved into the library and then shut the door closed.

She didn't utter a word and just stood in front of the door, watching what Quinn was about to do. She watched Quinn threw herself to a chair and let the tears loose first of all before she then moved over to the book shelf and started throwing the books down to the floor, scattering it all over the library.

She was so furious and wanted to vent her anger out on someone like Wren but Wren wasn't available, so the innocent books were the ones she vented her anger upon.

"F**k you, Wren!. I'm so f**king going to kill you" Quinn screamed, grabbing her hair and pulling them hard. She was so hurt more than anyone could ever understood. How could her king stand against her and side with Wren in an argument?. 

He made her look like a total fool in the presence of everyone.

"Quinn, you have got to stop that and get a hold of yourself" Eve took two steps towards Quinn to comfort her but Quinn warned her, yelling.

"Don't you dare f**king come close to me, Eve. You are just like Tyler who would put all the blame on me" Quinn warned, pointing to Eve's face and Eve stopped in her tracks.

Receiving the warning clearly and biting her bottom lip in guilt as she recalled the moment they spent in the principal's office and how she put the blame of attempting murder on Wren on Quinn only.

And now she had followed Quinn all the way from the clinic and into the library to comfort her, as if she was a real friend when she knew she wasn't.

Quinn moved her gaze back over to the books and kept on throwing them to the floor, scattering them in all directions and also threw frustrated punches to the shelf, shaking it violently too.

The book shelf Quinn shook quivered shakily and fell to the floor and Eve gasped watching the shelf reach the floor. If she didn't do anything else to stop Quinn, then Quinn was probably going to hurt herself next.

So she rushed towards Quinn and engulfed her in a tight embrace stopping Quinn from doing more harm than good to the book shelves, saying. "Quinn, you can't let Wren get to your head. Look what she's making you do" Eve pointed to the bookshelves and the books scattered in all directions after Quinn shoved her aside when she tried embracing her.

Eve hasn't been a good friend recently to Quinn so now was the right time for her to do so by making it up to her, so she could get out of Quinn's bad side since Quinn had seen her as an enemy already.

"I told you to f**k off, Eve" Quinn hissed, why don't you ever f**king listen to me?!" Quinn yelled, picking a book up from the floor to hit Eve and Eve turned her face to the side, closing her eyes and waiting for the book-slap she was about to receive but it never came.

She popped an eye open, turning her face back towards Quinn only for her to see Quinn seated on the floor, with her knees dragged up to her chest and her hands surrounding them with her face buried on her knees, sobbing profusely.

Quinn was really hurt and it melted Eve's heart.

So Eve took a deep breath in, forcing her butt to the floor and embraced Quinn seated on the floor comforting her. That was the first time Eve has ever seen Quinn that way, and she was about to comfort a crying soul, which she herself wasn't good at but she had to do it for a friend.

"It's okay to cry, just let it out, Quinn." Eve comforted Quinn, rubbing her back and brushing her hand down Quinn's hair as she continued sobbing. 

"He made me go down on my knees, Eve" Quinn wailed amidst tears, using the blue T-shirt Eve wore to blow her nose. Eve's eyes widened because that was too disgusting to her but she couldn't do anything, since she was the comforter.

"Yeah, your king can be a b*tch sometimes but you should know he didn't mean to. You should put all the blame on Wren" 

Quinn suddenly stopped wailing at the mention of Wren's name from Eve's lips. She separated herself from Eve's embrace and got up from the floor, wiping the tears off her petite face and said to Eve.

"You are actually right Eve, and I still have to go down on my knees to apologise to the whole school, promising them to be a good girl after I attempted murder on Wren and all thanks goes to my mom for that stupid idea of hers".

Quinn suddenly let out a creepy short laughter at the end of her statement and Eve who was comforting her, rose to her feet wondering if that was actually someone who was crying and also who she comforted a few seconds ago.

Quinn was such a good actress and totally fooled her into thinking she was actually crying. Well, that was the way Quinn acted whenever hurt because she didn't need anyone's sympathy towards her as if she was weak.

Eve tried speaking but before the words could come, she heard Quinn say. "If anyone ever finds out I went down on my knees to apologise to that lowlife, I will definitely make sure I murder her for real this time, she haven't seen nothing, yet".

Eve shook her head slowly, knowing Quinn was about to do something much worse than the one she did already, due to the fact, Quinn wasn't someone to back down in a fight, not until she won.

Could Quinn ever change?.