The Unexpected.

"Young lady, answer me when I ask you a question. What the hell happened at school today?!" Beta Watson Young, Quinn's father barked with every single hint of anger in him. 

Quinn just stared at the old man scolding her and went back to pressing her phone, it angered her father so much so he moved closer to her and snatched the phone away from his daughter's grip with all her attention fixed firmly on it.

Her attention was supposed to be on him and not on her phone, because that was what kept her distracted and didn't give him a response to his questions, ignoring him completely as if a fool was talking to her.

Quinn could only shoot her father mean glares and pouted sadly, Beta Watson couldn't believe his eyes anymore watching how and who his sweet daughter growed up to be. She became so rude.

What happened to his sweet little girl he always played together with when she was still little?, Where had she gone to? And left him a cocky, arrogant pup to live with.

"Mom, could you please tell dad about what happened over at school today so I can have my phone back. I really have some important work to do and also my manicures to work on. My fingernails look too lame" Quinn groaned lazily, rolling her eyes and displaying her lame nails to her parents.

Beta Watson just stood still watching his only female pup act so irrational and incapable of being reasoned with. He heard about what happened at school today which involved his daughter and now he asked her about it, she was behaving that way.

She had no respect for anyone nor him anymore, with the way she was behaving so rudely even in his presence.

"Stop misbehaving Quinn and answer the goddamn question!" Quinn's Mom, Principal Natalie Young had to chip in between the conversation between her dear husband and her rude daughter.

"What happened to my sweet little girl, Quinn?.You have totally changed completely into someone I barely know" Her father said with a sweet tone to Quinn who couldn't take it anymore so she got up, yelling.

"You guys are being so noisy!, For f**k's sake. Keep your voices down" Quinn got from the one seater grey couch she sat upon before with her leg tucked upon the other and moved closer to her dad.

"I'm really sorry dad but your little sweet girl is gone, mom will explain to you in full deets about what happened in school later" Quinn dropped that statement, moving her gaze over to her mom who shot her mean glares with unspeakable words like, you must be kidding me, Quinn?.

Quinn gave her mom the eye and moved her gaze back to her father, saying. "I really have to go now, dad. So can I have my phone back?" She pouted sadly with puppy dog eyes which her father couldn't resist and just handed the phone back to her slowly.

"You are-"

"I love you dad, thank you" Beta Watson's sentence was cut short by Quinn who walked out of the room in a flash and thanked him before he could even complete that sentence.

"You are not being hard on her, Watson. And that is the reason she's that way" Quinn's Mom made known to her husband after she saw the way he gently gave Quinn's phone back to her without finishing his scolding on her.

"She's just a kid, Nally" Quinn's dad called his wife, using the short form of her name he fondly called her. "She will soon grow up with time".

"A kid?," Quinn's mom scoffed, listening to her husband call their eighteen year old pup, a kid. "For goodness sake, Watson. She's eighteen this year and officially an adult".

Beta Watson knew his wife very well and she was just like her daughter, just that she was well trained more than Quinn. But she wasn't the type to back down in an argument so he decided to change the topic.

"We will have this conversation later, Nally. so for now tell me what really happened at school today".


"Oh, f**k you all" Quinn muttered indistinctly and threw herself to her bed soon as she stepped into her room. She swiftly got up from the bed, sitting on it and then checked her phone.

"No text messages, no missed calls"She muttered going through her phone, checking out for any missed calls from her king and was so disappointed to actually see none.

Not even a single call or text messages, Her king had changed and something changed him. Sorry, it wasn't something but a 'who'.

And that 'who' turned out to be Wren.

Just at the thought of Wren being the one changing her king, Quinn got so pissed off and smashed her phone to the hard wall. She then got up from her bed angrily and started throwing and scattering some items around her room.

Eve was so lucky she saw the bedside lamp Quinn threw towards her as she came into the room when Quinn was destroying it, she should thank her stars she dodged it from landing on her face.

"Quinn, please stop this madness!" Eve screamed, throwing her hands up in the air but Quinn just shot her mean glares and proceeded with her madness.

"I saw Wren and your king outside together!" And that did the magic for Eve without her screaming further on top of her lungs to stop Quinn's madness because Quinn actually stopped with her madness and moved closer to Eve asking.

"What did you say?"

"I decided to go for a stroll outside and that was when I saw the both of them, together" 


"At the water fountain" Quinn didn't spared a second and dashed out of the room swiftly with fury. What was her King doing outside with that lowlife alone by that time of the night?. 

If Wren came to play games using Tyler against her, then she should know Quinn was fully prepared and more than ready to knock her down.

"Quinn, wait for me!" Eve screamed, running after Quinn who didn't stopped for a bit and went in search of her king and that lowlife.



"I'm sorry Tyler, but I'm not going in now" Wren firmly stood her ground while Tyler scoffed disdainfully, watching the way she was acting all strong and tough and he didn't had that kind of time to play tough games with her, so he did what Wren least expected and carried up off her feet in his arms, in a bridal carry.

If only Wren knew Quinn was going to appear at that very awkward moment, then she wouldn't have acted so stubborn and would have just gone back into the pack house willingly just like Tyler told her to. 

Why did it have to be at that certain awkward moment that Quinn had to appear?, Was the universe playing with her?

Wren bit on her lips, breaking her locked gaze on Quinn as she quivered shakily while Tyler fixed his firm gaze on Quinn who was no longer staring at him but at Wren.

Quinn was mad and he knew it, and If he dared to say a word now it would only make things worse than it was already, because Quinn would never believe him, so he let silence reign between all of them. 

Quinn was too jealous and over overprotective of something she owned, and she had never let anyone take it away from her. Her face had already turned dark with a hideous scowl covering it, and her brows knitted sadly in jealousy with her heavily trembling lips.

And there at that moment, Tyler studied her, pondering deeply about the dirty, evil thoughts going on inside of her mind but wasn't able to read any. The both of them were not mated, so that was impossible for him to do.

Wren's face and presence, infact every single thing about her irked Quinn so much up to the extent of wishing she had died from drowning in the toilet. Why did Wren have to exist, her existence was only to piss Quinn off all the time.

Always remember, Quinn has zero control over her emotions whenever she was mad and right now. She was beyond mad or furious at that moment so she did the unexpected. 

Quinn's blue eyes had changed and turned into bright glittering blue color and her long sharp claws were out and then cracking of bone sounds echoed loud enough to Wren, Tyler and Eve's hearing who was beside Quinn who had completely transformed into her wolf form.

Just like Quinn, her wolf, Lily never had patience and before everyone's watchful eyes, Lily attacked Wren.

Poor Wren.