Not A friend but A Foe.

Tyler stopped laughing, when he saw Wren wasn't joking about the statement she dropped now, with the mean poker face she had on.

Wren felt so annoyed, watching the way Tyler laughed at her. Does he think she was incapable of doing that?. Since Tyler didn't want to leave her alone and she herself was incapable of saying it to his face, she just walked away, saying.

"You don't have to follow me too, I'm just going for a walk".

"It's too late to go for a walk alone, and you are still under my care. So please go back in, I need to keep my eyes fixed on you and I can't do it with you moving around every minute"

Wren waved Tyler's words away, still walking away from him. So she can't move around just because she was in Tyler's care?. As much as she loved to not disobey him since Alpha Sanders was the one who made it that way, Wren still needed a space to breathe in without Tyler being around there all the time.

He suffocated her.

"I told you I can take care of myself, so you can go in. I will be right back when I'm done".

Tyler hissed, his hands forming akimbo on his waist, he never knew Wren could be that stubborn even though she always acted so calm all the time, and he himself never liked wasting time away on anything that didn't matter to him much.

So he followed Wren and was able to catch up with her, since she was too slow on walking and seemed to be counting each of her footsteps as she walked. 

Wren took a step forward and was about to take another when a pair of strong hand grabbed her by the wrist, swirling her around and she landed against Tyler's broad chest. 

Wren was tall but her height could never be compared to Tyler's because he was far much taller than her. Her face was still placed against Tyler's chest and she separated herself from him right after he said to her.

"I made a f**king promise and I'm keeping it. So don't make me regret it".

Wren groaned inwardly, Tyler was starting to become a bug. So she could never go anywhere without him following her now?. For goodness sake, she was completely f**ked up.

Tyler wasn't the only stubborn one there, Wren was too and she was not going to go back to her room like Tyler wanted. She just wanted some fresh air outside, was there anything wrong in that?. 

"I'm sorry, but I'm not going in now" Wren firmly stood her ground on not going back to her room, trying hard also to remove Tyler's strong grip on her wrist but she just couldn't. That guy was as hard as a board.

Tyler cocked a brow up questionly, wondering where that courage from Wren  was suddenly coming from. Maybe he has shown Wren his good side and that was the reason why she thought he was playing with her.

"I won't be nice to you if you keep on acting stubborn, bunny. Better do as I said" Tyler warned with a stern voice and Wren could sense the danger in his tone as he spoke but she herself wasn't going to give in to him so she still stood her ground, knowing Tyler wasn't going to hurt her since he was meant to take care of her.

I'm sorry Tyler, but I'm not going in" 

Tyler scoffed disdainfully, watching how Wren was trying to act all tough and he didn't have that kind of time to play tough games with her, so he just leaned down and carried her in a bridal carry.

Wren never expected that, so she screamed loudly for help as if she was being raped and she finally got helped, because someone intervened causing Tyler to put her down to her feet swiftly almost causing her to fall.

But what Wren never expected was who her helper turned out to be.

"What the hell is going on here?" 

Wren knew who that voice belonged to and that person was definitely not a friend but a foe. The voice was so cold and feminine, and even without her turning to see who that voice belonged to, the voice just sent scary cold shivers down Wren's spine and flesh.

That cold voice definitely belonged to Quinn.

Wren slowly turned to her front, and there stood Quinn in all her Queen's glory with Eve standing beside her. Wren wasn't surprised to not see Rachel beside them, afterall, Rachel had changed and swore to not be a bully anymore.

"What the hell is going on here?" Quinn asked for the second time, after she got no response to the first question she asked. Though she stood on a far distance from Wren and Tyler.

Wren was able to observe she wasn't happy, and she was fuming in rage with her fist balled in jealousy. Her face darkened with her brows furrowed angrily, with gritted teeth. 

Quinn's lips trembled enormously with anger and the strong breeze splashing across her face removed some strands of hair that covered some part of her face making her face very visible for Wren to see.

Quinn just saw her boyfriend carrying another female in the same arms he used to carry her and the worst of all was that the female turned out to be Wren.

Wren again!. What the f**k has she ever done to Wren for Wren to punish her that way?Did she wronged Wren so much up to the extent of her to punish her by using her boyfriend?.

Wren's gaze moved over to Tyler's who she saw the way, his lips were trembling as if he wanted to speak but the words weren't able to come out. Whatever he was about to say now was never going to make sense to Quinn.

Tyler knew that too well, he was supposed to talk to Quinn after he made her go down on her knees to apologise to Wren, but he wanted her to cool down since he knew how hot-headed Quinn can be when pissed off and in the process of letting her cool off, He forgot.

And now there stood Quinn, staring at him with lasers almost shooting out of her eyes all because she saw him carrying Wren in his arms. What was Tyler going to say now to make Quinn not think wrong about what just happened.

Could anybody help him?.