An Alpha.

"Dad?" Tyler's brows knotted questionly, wondering whether that huge black wolf in front of him was his dad or not. How was it even possible for him to be there when he went for his business trip?.

What the hell was happening tonight?.

"Take her inside and find Gibson!" Alpha Sanders made known to his son, using the mind link since he was in his wolf form and unable to speak.

Tyler still was unable to understand what was happening so he attempted asking a few questions when his father roared, "take her inside and find Gibson right now!".

There was no time to waste since Wren was losing too much blood coming out of her right arm that was seriously bleeding, she was healing but her healing process was nothing to write home about since she had no wolf.

She was more than slow with the healing process.

"Okay" Tyler nodded and zoomed off into the pack house with Wren, totally forgetting about his Queen laying helplessly on the floor of the tiled ground left for Alpha Sanders to deal with.

Alpha Sanders turned, moving closer to Quinn and growled angrily, that was a warning made to her to stay away from Wren. He really wanted to pounce on her and deal with her so mercilessly but recalling she was his son's girlfriend and just a random teenager who could never match his strength, just made him spare her.

But he was still going to definitely deal with her later, she wasn't going to go scout free not after the crime she committed tonight. 

And after he was done with her tonight, no one would ever dare to hurt the Alpha's favorite again!.


"Lay her down carefully" Mr Gibson stated putting on the light bulb in Wren's room and ran to go help Tyler put the unconscious Wren down on the bed in her room.

After they were done with putting Wren down on her bed successfully, he then moved to the bedside and kneeled, taking Wren's right arm into his hand while Tyler sat beside Wren on the bed, watching with keen attention on what Mr Gibson was about to do.

Tyler was no gifted werewolf, and he had absolutely no idea on how their power stuff worked, so he just kept mute and watched with keen attention.

"She will be fine right after I heal her so calm down Tyler, your heart is racing too much" Mr Gibson could hear Tyler's racing heartbeat loud and clear, it beat so hard and so fast as if it wanted to rip out of his chest.

He was probably that way because of Wren's condition.

Tyler chuckled, running a hand through his hair while watching Mr Gibson do his work,  there were low squelching sounds of flesh as Mr Gibson was just waving his hand in circles around Wren's right arm and it was healing up.

"What happened to her?".

"Nothing, just heal her".

Mr Gibson lifted a brow up questionly, but didn't ask that same question since Tyler seemed like he wasn't going to respond to it, so he asked another instead.

"Why is she the only one that gets hurt twice a day with different kinds of wounds in this pack, Tyler?" That unexpected question from Mr Gibson was shot to Tyler who gave him a deadpan look for an answer. Why couldn't Mr Gibson just heal Wren without asking any more questions?.

"I think you know the answer Tyler, so don't give me that look" Mr Gibson mentioned, observing Tyler didn't want to give the immediate response he needed from him. He moved his gaze back to Wren and continued fixing her before he would lose focus and then do damage.

Tyler sighed, looking away from Mr Gibson. What on earth did Mr Gibson want him to give to him as an answer? That Wren was just bad luck and carried it along with her wherever she went?, Nope, that answer was too absurd.

"Maybe it's because she's different from us" Mr Gibson paused and snickered, listening to Tyler's statement, which he took as a joke and continued with his healing on Wren's arm.

Tyler was quite surprised, wondering the reason why Mr Gibson would laugh at him when he finally gave a response to his question.

"Why laugh at me?, I tried" He threw his hands up in defense to the awkward stares Mr Gibson shot at him after he made that statement. "It's probably the same thing anyone will say if you ask them".

Mr Gibson sighed and then chuckled, "She may be different from us, Tyler" he stared at Tyler who had an expressionless look on his face. "But she's special".

Tyler had no idea about what or where that conversation between him and Mr Gibson was going and whether it made any sense. What does Mr Gibson mean about Wren being special when she had no wolf and neither was she gifted?.

"Let me make this straight to you and clear that silly doubt on your face" Mr Gibson observed the doubt Tyler carried on his face and had to intervene, to make whatever he was about to say to Tyler more understandable.

"You see Tyler?" He scratched the beard under his jaw as he felt a little twitch in it and then proceeded. "When I was her age, I wasn't gifted nor did I have a wolf, I was just a wolf-less teen like her'' he pointed to Wren's face, smiling while Tyler was slightly shocked.

If Mr Gibson had no wolf back then nor special ability, how did he then end up being gifted?. There were so many questions on Tyler's mind now as he heard Mr Gibson's life story which interested him but as much as he wanted to ask him those questions.

He just kept mute and let Mr Gibson speak while healing Wren at the same time before he loses focus.

"And it made me stay away from the other kids because they always saw me as a freak and called me so many horrific names I don't want to mention right now" Mr Gibson let out a short laugh at the end of his statement and Tyler did the same, but he could also see the hurt in Mr Gibson's eyes when he dropped that statement.

He must have been really hurt back then.

"I was also bullied just like I know you all do to her" Tyler was surprised because he actually never expected that statement from Mr Gibson, how did he even know Wren was being bullied?.

"I'm not a fool Tyler, I know and have seen what she goes through in school everyday, and it's probably your girlfriend that did this to her too" Mr Gibson proceeded with his statement, not minding the look Tyler had on his face as if he didn't wanted to listen to his story anymore, probably because he just mentioned Quinn in it.

"Wren's really strong you know, surviving every single deathtrap set for her anywhere she goes and that's why I said she's special. I wasn't as strong as her when I was her age, I even almost committed suicide because I couldn't take it anymore but because I felt like I had a purpose to serve, I just couldn't".

Tyler just kept mute, listening to Mr Gibson compare his past life back then to Wren's, they were quite similar with each other but what he wanted to know was how Mr Gibson was able to have a wolf and also be gifted.

And Mr Gibson was starting to make him feel a little bit shildy as if he was supposed to care for Wren for real and not because his father put him in charge of Wren's care which he doesn't know if he would ever be able to do.

So he said, "I'm not really the type to be all sad and touchy when I hear people's life sad stories, Mr Gibson. So could you just get to the point and tell me how your wolf bloomed or how you ended up being gifted?" 

Mr Gibson smiled and also felt stupid at the same time for actually thinking Tyler even feft guilty at least, so he could stop being cold to Wren and start treating the poor girl nicely.

"Okay, so I ended up-" Mr Gibson's sentence was cut shut by the door forced open and Alpha Sanders came in with Quinn who he pulled by the hair firmly as she held her lips shut to not scream but muffled screams could still be heard in the room.

He pushed Quinn forward towards Wren's bedside and she fell on her stomach but quickly got up, kneeling while Tyler got up from the bed and tried stopping his father with a murderous aura from hurting Quinn.

"Don't come close to me, son" Alpha Sanders' voice was calm but his tone had a clear warning in it, which Tyler obeyed and stopped in his tracks, watching Quinn let out soft sobs, her face was reddened and heavily bruised but was also healing, probably caused from when his father knocked her down.

Quinn really misbehaved this time around and Tyler couldn't save her from his father's vicious wrath. Alpha Sanders could see it was because he was no longer ruthless as he had always been before and had gone too soft, and that was probably the reason why everyone took Wren for granted.

But now Quinn was going to know the real reason why he was feared greatly as an Alpha back in those days.