Like Father, Like Son.

"I think I will be leaving now" Mr Gibson, observing the strict tension going on in the room, had to excuse himself out, for he was done with healing Wren's arm and then withdrew from the room, almost tiptoeing.

A dead silence reigned in the room after Mr Gibson had left and Alpha Sanders shot fierce glares at Quinn still on her knees with her hands on her mouth trying to quieten her sobs to not infuriate Alpha Sanders to a more aggravated extent than he was already. 

While Tyler just stood still beside Wren's bedside watching his Queen on her knees and the bruises on her face. None of this would have happened if only she had held her anger in and controlled her silly jealous emotions.

Tyler was still surprised and wondered why his dad was back to the pack house, instead of going for his two days business trip just like he mentioned he was going for yesterday, and in order to chase the awkward silence in the room away he asked.

"Dad, I thought you were going for-" Tyler's sentence trailed off as Alpha Sanders ignored him and went over to Wren sleeping on the bed, he checked out for her face first and luckily there were no bruises on them if not Quinn would have received more than the ones on her face right now.

His eyes trailed down to her right arm and was quite relieved to see her arm was as good as new, thank goodness for Gibson. If he had not taken in some of the gifted werewolves into his pack, who would have healed Wren's arm?.

"What happened to the promise of being in charge of her care when I'm gone, Tyler?" Tyler fixed his attention on his furious dad and then scratched the scalp on his head anxiously. 

What was he going to say to his father right now that would make him believe he didn't actually back down on the promise?, just that he had a few problems at carrying out the promise. 

He couldn't possibly mention Quinn being the problem in the statement he was about to drop, even though his dad knows already. That would only cost Quinn much trouble than the one she was in already.

And only the heavens knows what his dad would do to Quinn if he ever found out about her attempting murder on Wren by drowning her in a toilet, his dad was surely going to put an end to Quinn's life or even possible ban her from his pack.

That mustn't happen, so what was he going to say now?.

"I…i…" Tyler's lips trembled shakily, what type of excuse was he going to say to his dad to make the old man believe him?.

"I isn't an answer Tyler, Wren almost died tonight. What if I hadn't come home after my trip got cancelled, was this the f**king way you would have taken care of her?!!!" Alpha Sanders roared angrily, getting up from Wren's bed and facing Tyler directly.

"So his trip got cancelled and that's why he's back, f**k, why did it have to get cancelled?". Tyler muttered indistinctly.

"I'm really sorry about that, I really tried-" Tyler's statement trailed off for the second time as his father chipped in again, saying.

"Do not give me that silly excuse, young man!" Alpha Sanders barked, "You made a f**king promise so you should have kept it and not trying to give me some kind of stupid words for an excuse, I'm not a fool, Tyler".

"I really tried protecting her, da-" Tyler's statement trailed off the third time as his dad interrupted again, cutting him off.

"You never really liked Wren since I took her in as a child, Tyler"' Alpha Sanders pointed to unconscious Wren, sleeping so peacefully and having zero worries about the hot-heated argument going on in her room. 

"And it's all because of that stupid jealousy and hatred you have for her that is eating you up and infecting your mind till you finally lose it!" Tyler took his eyes off Wren as his father pointed at her, this was literally the reason why he never liked her.

Anytime she got hurt, he was the one to get all the blame and scoldings while Wren got away with everything and a free mind while his own mind was left troubled. And his dad never apologized for it even when he was wrong because he was always right.

Those words of Alpha Sanders hurt Tyler so much that tears almost forced themselves out of his eyes but he wasn't going to cry, it would be a terrible shame for him to do so because it would only show his dad's supremacy over him.

And that simply was never going to happen.

"Yeah, you are f**king right dad, I'm jealous of her because you f**king care for her than you have ever did for me since you took her in those past years, I hate seeing her face every single time so much because it f**king annoys me!.." Tyler's voice trailed off, and he ruffled his hands through his hair in anger.

Alpha Sanders's voice was gone, not knowing what else to say next. This was literally the first time for his tough son to actually show off his emotions, and it seemed like he was really hurting inside.

He has failed Tyler as a father, for totally ignoring him for those past years when he needed him and then taking responsibility for another person's pup and lost his own only pup in the process.

"it was a stupid mistake for me to actually accept being in charge of her care while you are away, when you were never going to appreciate me for once, f**k this!" Tyler murmured, kicking Wren's bedside and walked away from the room.

Alpha Sanders just stood still and speechlessly, watching Tyler walk away on him. He shouldn't have fully taken his anger out on Tyler that way, he was just pushing his son further away from him than he was already and that was only going to make Tyler hate him more.

He wasn't literally the type of dad that goes all emotional and knew how to display his feelings, and Tyler too, was exactly like him. Like father like son, the Sanders never really know how to display their feelings.

Alpha Sanders was still lost in thought, thinking of how he was going to make it up to his son, before he finally lost him when Quinn's sobs brought him back to reality.

He totally even forgot she was there and now he recalled, Alpha Sanders then slowly moved his gaze down on her, hovering down, and meeting with her height and gaze before whispering.

"Consider today your lucky day Quinn, because my son would only be mad at me if I hurt you further. But, the next time you lay a hand on her" Alpha sanders pointed to Wren and snarled.

"I won't only hurt your pretty face" His hand trailed down Quinn's face and cold shivers spread throughout her entire body, that touch of Alpha sander's frightened her so much.

"I will have to hurt you so painfully and slowly that you will have to beg me to stop but I won't listen" He threatened with an evil smirk tugging at the end of his lip, and smiled seeing that Quinn was receiving his message clearly with the visible terror in her eyes.

And lastly, Alpha Sanders then closed his eyes, saying. "Now before I blink my eyes open, run!".