The Freak Broke Her Finger.

Clearing her throat to speak, she began.

"Hi" She didn't wave but stood erect like an ice sculpture without a single smile on her face. I'm Molly Dean and totally not a freak. I belong here just as you all do, so you don't have to be rude. I hope I do get treated nicely or you are all going to regret ever knowing me" Molly announced straightforwardly to the whole class, and silence reigned for a few seconds before Mrs Robinson decided to speak.

You seem comfortable there" Mrs Robinson made known to Molly, who left her for her seat before she said these words. "Okay, that was quite an introduction, you can go back now and sit just where you sat before".

This girl is definitely going to be trouble. Mrs Robinson thought. Molly has this non-friendly vibes that she came with, and Mrs Robinson could only wish for Wren to be safe from any mayhem this Molly girl might cause, because she definitely will cause mayhem.