She's Born To Be A Bad Girl.

"I want to hear an apology" Molly kept on demanding an apology from Wendy, who still stood her ground firmly. She's not going to apologise, never!. No matter the hurt. She can't let her ego down, so she's going to bear it.

Molly made it clear to everyone here that she's not a freak, but this unknown girl who's about to get her finger broken, refused to listen to her and still called her a freak. Molly might look extremely dangerous but the one thing she clearly isn't is a freak. She hates it when she gets called a freak.

She's literally like them, a werewolf and not a freak.

Wendy swore within herself not to apologise but to bear the hurt. This was what she thought so, before she heard a snapping sound. F**k, the freak broke her finger. 
