Westin High, The Female Restroom.

Wren kind of expected to get kissed by Tyler last night, because she has seen it in a lot of movies. That moment when a guy will suddenly close up the distance between a girl and will eventually end up kissing her. If anyone told Wren she would ever get kissed by Tyler she always had a crush on, but chose to deny it.

She would have never believed till last night it actually happened. What does that kiss make them now?. Are they still friends?. Or have they gone beyond that?. Someone should help explain. 

"I knew it!, I knew you had a crush on that pretty boy but you always like to deny it. But now, the truth is crystal clear. He also likes you and couldn't deny his feelings anymore and had to let everything out. He was going to kiss you anytime soon, but it's so bad you guys didn't f**ked. I think I had the most amazing night with Stevie last night. He had his cock in my…"