The Most Loyal Minion Ever.

"Woah, woah, what the f**k just happened in there?" Molly was still wowed by what transpired between them and the mean girl when they were still inside the restroom. 

"I have no idea, I just did what had to be done, I stood up for myself. Isn't that what you always wanted me to do?" Wren shrugged, the kind of look Molly was giving her isn't it. She's supposed to show she's proud of her for standing up for herself back in the restroom.

"Well, of course, it's what I always wanted. You did good back in there, really surprised the hell out of me. You went full Jackie Chan on her," Molly laughed at the end of her statement, Wren really did give it to the mean girl.

That should probably make her stay off Wren's hair for a while.

"Shall we?" Wren offered Molly a hand which she took and they walked away from the restroom as a whole, finding their way over to class. Molly's not only the surprised one, Wren herself too.
