It Better Not Be Or Wren Will Completely Go Nuts.

Molly left Wren all alone for her to have a little chit-chat with her wolf, she knows how excited Wren is to find out she's not wolf-less, so Molly had to give her the space she needed to try new things with her new found wolf.

"Hi, Zita" Wren reached out to Zita and she did the same.

"Hi, Wren, I'm glad you reached out" Zita responded to Wren trying to strike up a conversation between them. 

"Wow, I still can't believe all this. So you are living inside me right now?" Wren shot Zita a question she knew the answer to but felt like asking it. She's just too over excited about all this.

"You have to, Wren, I have always been with you but you never knew. Want to see something cool we can do?" Zita requested and Wren didn't waste time nodding positively. She's never going to say no to anything Zita wants to try with her.