To The Principal's Office Right Now!.

Stevie's Room, The Pack House.

"I don't know what's wrong, she just stopped talking to me and I don't know why?. I can't feel her connection, I don't know if I just lost my wolf, Molly?" Wren was panicking, her whole body quivering in fear that she might have lost her wolf and Molly did her best in calming her down.

"Hey, relax, Wren, nothing happened to Zita. You didn't lose her, once she had bloomed, she has bloomed forever. Try reaching out to her again and I will see if she will like to talk to me" Molly grabbed Wren's hands, calming her down while Stevie and Sean who were watching laughed.

They way Wren's overreacting is quite funny, how could one lose their wolf?. It's impossible for such a thing to happen.

Wren had to calm her tits, taking in a deep breath the way Molly directed her to and then tried reaching out to Zita after so many failed attempts of doing it, it actually worked out fine this time.