How The Hell Do They Fix Her?.

"She's been sleeping for hours now, don't you think we should just wake her up?. She might actually be dead and we don't know" Sean is a bit worried and at the same time thinks Wren could be dead. None of them moved an inch away from her room last night, keeping an eye on her to prevent what happened to her that no one still can't explain.

"Seriously Sean?" Molly scoffed, Sean sometimes talks without reasoning. How could he say that Wren could be dead when she's breathing right in front of them?. Her temperature is fine and good, her heartbeat the same.

"And I think it's time for you guys to leave, the Alpha usually comes back early in the morning and you guys definitely won't like it if he finds you all here. I'm safe since I let him know I stay with Wren" Molly cautioned Sean, Stevie and Ryder before Alpha Sanders will be back and they would all be eventually taken in as truancy students again.