Little Molly.

Inside Wren's mind.

"Where am I?" Wren tried to wake up which she finally did but instead, ended up in another place. Somewhere really dark and quiet that she couldn't see anything. Each time she talks, her voice will reverberate around the whole place loudly because of its quietness.

She got damned scared out of her mind and screamed, "Molly!" Wren called out to the only trusted person she knows that won't hesitate to help her out of this place, but Molly wasn't here. Another voice suddenly answered instead and it definitely wasn't Molly, but she could recognize who the voice belonged to.

"Molly's not here, Wren. It's just the two of us all alone" Zita reached out to Wren calling Molly. She has become so close to Molly that if they somehow were in danger, Molly might still be the first person Wren will reach out for help when she can just call on her wolf. 

"Zita?, Is that you?" Wren thinks it's Zita's voice she just heard in her head.