It's just starting.

Suddenly I feel cold hands on my cheeks, I opened my eyes and was startled, Mark caressing my cheek, he is drunk now.)

MARK: I told you not to sleep, then why did you sleep, now you are going to punish.

( He said sweetly with a creepy smile and next thing suddenly he grabbed my boobs and squeezed them very hard for five minutes and it left bruises then he started to kiss on my neck I can't take this he continuously squeezing my boobs very hard then suddenly he bite me on the neck like an injured beast. On one hand, he tear my clothes and started staring up and down, I feel very embarrassed.)

MARK: Are u feeling embarrassed? huh, I can guarantee you had shown your body to every man. You dirty slut. But tension not, from now on you don't have to show your body to anyone except me. Now go and lie on the bed.

( I am shocked after listening to those sentences from his mouth, he used to treat me like a princess but now, I also regret it because I deserve this. I followed Mark's words and lay on the bed. he came near me and open a drawer and took a handcuff, I see him surprisingly and with fear.)

MARK: I don't like a touch from a slut like you.

( He cuffed my hands and staring me with a lustful gaze. Mark started kissing me on my neck, he found my sensitive point and bite it very hard, again he started licking with his wet lips, I moaned, he smirked and started moving his finger up to down, he squeezes my boobs and pinches my nipple then his finger roam back on my body and unhook my bra, he takes off my bra and stared my boobs for a with lust.)

MARK: I have to tell you that I never saw anybody ugly like this.

( I squeeze my eyes in his insult, he again started licking my neck and then my boobs he bite hard on my boobs and I again moaned. His finger travel down my navel area, and he tear my panty like a beast, I was startled. he put his one finger inside my vagina.)

ANNA: AH... AH... AH... MARK.

( I moaned then again he insert two fingers inside me then three then four. I feel very uncomfortable. He just keeps fingering me and biting my boobs. I feel pain and pleasure simultaneously. He take back his finger and started to unbuckle his pant. He takes off his pant and boxer, I am shocked to see the length of his manhood, I know I have to bear a lot of pain today, In my thoughts he jerkily pushes his manhood in me, I felt a sudden pain but something is restricting him to go further.)

ANNA: AH! MARK! AH ! please wait.

(I told mark to wait because I really can't bear the pain.)

MARK: Why are you acting like this is your first time, wait... this is your first time.

( Mark suddenly realizes that this is my first time, I thought now Mark is going to be gentle but no, in a sec he hardly pushes by tearing my hymen )


(I scream in pain, I felt like I'm in hell for real.)

MARK: What do you think, I'll show mercy? no baby it is just starting.

(I am in too much pain, he doesn't give me time to adjust, he started thrusting fast. my body is bouncing. He started biting my neck boobs.)

MARK: Fuck! your pussy is so tight.

(Mark is continuously groaning, and I'm in pain. I always dream of this in past and Mark always used to tell me that he will make this night special and he will be gentle, but in present, my sins take all my happiness. I thought of my old memories with Mark by closing my eyes, then Mark suddenly bites very hard on my neck which led to a deep bruise. )

MARK: When I'm fucking you, then your eyes shouldn't be shut and no thought would appear in your so-called mind. All your attention is on me. And your pain.

( I nodded and Mark again bite me then he started kissing that area where bruises appear. He increased his movements and I feel like at the moment I will be dead.)

ANNA:, please.

( i tell him to slow but he smirk and started thrusting more hard.)

ANNA: M.. Ma..Mark please slow down, it's hurting.

(Mark doesn't slow his speed, he kept thrusting hard, and suddenly the bed started moving.)

MARK: Fuck, you are very tight, I love this. AH! AH! Anna, I'm cumming, I'm cumming.

(Finally, Mark reaches his climax, for me, I cum many times. Mark is still inside me. I thought he is going for another round but he uncuffed my hands and slid outside from me.)


(Mark went directly towards the washroom without looking at me. I'm feeling very disguised. I feel very shame that how my body reacts to his touch. I want to erase all roughness from my mind but I know I'm paying for my sins. I looked at the sheet and I'm surprised after seeing a lot of blood. I hurriedly collect it and went to a room where Mark told me to stay because he doesn't want me to stay in the same room with him. I went to the room. It's beautiful and bright and like my taste. I'm happy that Mark still knows my taste. I went to the washroom and washes all sheets and wash my whole body. My body is still paining very much, I can't properly stand but I bear all the pain and wash and went to the balcony, there is a chair which is hanging, I sat on that and it's so comfortable. Winds are directly hitting my face and that's how sleep engulfed me because of tiredness.