She deserve this.


(I went to my office for some urgent work, but I can't concentrate. I am satisfied enough to marry her and wanted to give so much pain but somewhere in my heart, she's still there. Ahh! I can't let my heart take over my revenge. I wanted to hear her scream. I wanted to give all bruises on her body. I wanted to fuck her so that she can't remember her name. I look at the clock, it's already 9, but I don't want to go home because my heart doesn't want her to suffer. I went to a bar before going home. I let the alcohol consumption, but today alcohol also didn't work. I left the place and went home. I went to my room and found Anna sleeping peacefully. She's looking so pale and sad but this doesn't concern me. I caressed her cheek and she suddenly flinched and look at me surprisingly. When she's looking at me with those blue eyes, all incidents of seven years ago started to appear. Then that's it anger engulf me and I wanted to torture her so bad.

I started kissing her neck and squeezing her breast. I fucked her so hard which satisfy me. She's begging me to stop but I started to increase my pace. And this session takes almost 5 hours. In these 5 hours, I kept thrusting and she kept suffering. After this, I uncuffed her hands and directly go to the bathroom.

I look down at my manhood and its cover with blood, soon guilt started to take place. This is not me, my sister doesn't teach me this, I started feeling bad that how I took my anger on her but then all flashes of the incident started appearing and I make up my mind that she deserve this and she is the one who makes me like this.

I take a cold shower for almost 1 hour. I went back to my room and find empty and there is no bedsheets on the bed, maybe she took it with her. I went to find her in her room, but she was nowhere. I enter the bathroom but I didn't find her, but then I make my way towards the balcony and find her sleeping on the chair which is hanging. I sighed and pick her up in the bridal style and take her to the bed. I put her on the bed when I was about to pull the sheet suddenly my eyes went to her neck where there is a scar which looks like my scar. I touched it, I didn't pay attention when she was with me. I looked at her and felt pity. She looks so pale, there is no amount of flesh on her body, nearly she looks like a dead body, my heart aches after seeing her. I wonder what happened to her, why her condition is like this. I have so many questions, but for now, I have to focus on my revenge, she can't use her pale and hurtful face for my forgiveness. I went to my bed and tried to sleep but, there is no way to cure my insomnia. I take my sleeping pills and soon sleep engulfs me.)