Whore like you.

Mark: Let's start your punishment baby girl but first I want to enjoy you a bit.

( Mark touches her back gently giving her a shiver.

Mmmm," Anna let out a breathy moan and

squirmed restlessly, feeling the muscles of her stomach contracting early. He turned her to see her every reaction. Her body temperature had climbed up notches, along with her frantic heartbeat. She was covered in a thick layer of sweat. She felt her pussy clenching wildly around something as it fucked her full and empty. The sensation was breath-staggering. She squeezed her closed eyes only to snap them open a moment later and collided with a pair of luminous greyish orbs that was already staring at her with feverish intensity. Her panting ceased for a moment when she peered up into his beautiful eyes. She didn't know she was the only one who had gotten the opportunity to observe his eyes this up close. He never cared to maintain eye contact while having sex with her, but this time he wants to see her every reaction and pain given by him. He studied her with his deep-set of eyes as she writhed under him. Her gaze slipped down to his finger which he use to touch her core. His middle finger pushed in and out of her in an unrelenting tempo. Biting her lips, she released a shaky breath when his finger tenderly stroked her sensitive spot. Her legs trembled as a shiver of fear danced down her spine and tousled her nerves. She gripped his hand and looked up at him with pleading eyes. His gaze flitted to the spot where she was holding onto him. His heartbeat grew erratic. He liked it. Her being dependent on him, holding onto him as if her life depended on it. His entranced gaze darted back to her pleading eyes. He loved her

pleading with him to give her a release. He felt himself growing impossibly hard. Anna gasped loudly when his thumb started tracing circles on her aching clit. Her toe curled up. Waves of electric tingles and fear exploded through her veins, turning her brain into mush. With each thrust, she felt closer to her release. Her nails dug in the flesh of his arm as he worked her pussy relentlessly for release. She squeezed her eyes shut when she felt herself on the verge of her orgasm. Just one more thrust. Just one more push and she will be soaring up in the sky. She waited and waited but that one last push never came. Her core desperately clenched tightly around his finger when she felt him pulling his finger out. Disappointment barrelled down on her like a ton of bricks when he withdrew his

finger. Her eyes flung open. Mark was smirking at her. She stared up at him with a clueless expression as he brought his finger up. )

Mark: No release for a whore like you.

(She feels ashamed of herself and how she reacts to his touch. And more importantly why he is giving her pleasure!! Maybe a silence before the storm, in between her thoughts he smeared her juices over her dry lower lip. His tone was calm and deep but laced with repressed anger.)