Brace yourself.

Mark: I am going to fuck him out of you.

(He growled before violently turning her

around. Anna was yet to process what was happening when he pulled her ass up.)

Mark: Brace yourself, It's gonna hurt....a lot.

(He stretched her forbidden hole and spat on it. Anna's eyes widened in horror and shock. A

a sharp pain ripped through her when he pushed his finger inside her tight hole.)

Anna: AAh.

(Anna shrieked and attempted at crawling away from his reach. He gripped her hips to keep her in place.)

Anna: No, please. It hurts.

(She pleaded in a weeping tone.)

Mark: Don't move. It will hurt more.

Anna: No, please. I don't want this.

(She implored and tried to move away.)

Mark: You will do as I say. Stop fucking moving.

(He shouted at her. A sharp pain stung her

asscheek. He had spanked her. She turned

stiff. It was embarrassing.)

Anna: No. It will hurt. No.

(She tried to sit up but before she could, he yanked her hands behind her back and tied them together with his tie. She tried to rip

away but his hold and strength were of a

beast. She never thinks that he will fuck her like this, she knows that Mark can do anything but this... Not in her dreams.)

Mark: I am gonna fuck you in your ass, one way or other. The more you'll move, the more it will hurt.

(He said darkly. Anna's hands were tied behind her back and she was lying on her stomach. There was not much she could do. She

stopped struggling.)

Mark: You shouldn't have disobeyed me.

(He seethed and spat again on her milky white skin. Her throat bobbed when she felt his thick finger tracing the outline of her hole. He slowly pushed his finger inside an inch,

making her breath hitch. All she felt was

burning pain. Her eyes watered.)

Anna: Aaahh, it hurts.

(She wiggled her ass, trying to get him out but he deterred her movement by putting his giant hand on her back. He noticed how his palm covered almost all of her tiny waist. So small,

he wondered.)

Mark: Take deep breaths.

(He instructed her in a darker tone. She

squeezed her eyes shut and started


Mark: Breath, Anna.

(He commanded and pushed in an inch more)

Mark: Fuck. You are so tight.

(He grunted breathless, finding it difficult to move in any further. His cock was aching real bad to get squeezed by her narrow walls. She turned her face to the side, closed her eyes, and started taking deep breaths. Occasional sobs ripped from her throat. He continued to massage her asshole but she felt no relief only pain and embarrassment. His vulgar grunts were adding to her embarrassment.

He continued to stroke her until she had

stretched enough to take his cock.)

Mark: I am going to fuck you so good. You will know who you belong.

(He pulled his finger out and pressed his cock onto her entrance. She gulped hard when she felt the head of his cock prodding her hole. It was going to pain a lot.)

Mark: Fuck, you're so tight.

(He told her before pushing in. The head of his cock squeezed in.)

Mark: Fuck.

(He breathed in ecstasy as he inched inside

her. His grip on her hips tightened and he closed his eyes while tilting his head back. His cock was relishing all the attention it was

getting. Even though he had taken quite some time in working her open, she was still

scrumptiously tight. She felt a fucking magic. Anna, on the other hand, was waiting for this ordeal to get over. He was big and it was paining her a lot.)