

( I opened my eyes slowly, my body feels sore, it was aching too much. I looked at my surroundings, then looked at myself. I am naked in this bed and covered with a duvet. Then my eyes got locked with Mark, he is coming towards me, I think he is coming from the gym but in a second when he steps closer all incidents started appearing in my eyes. I tighter my grip on the duvet and covered myself. I got a shiver on my back when Mark stepped close to me. I try to get up but fall on the bed, I can't get up because of too much pain near my abdomen. I lowered my eyes when I feel his presence. He helped me to sit. He takes a glass and a pill, I know what is this pill for, it's a birth control pill. Maybe he didn't want his child to grow in my womb because of my past evilness. But his next statement gives me a shock.)

Mark: Take this pill, it will help in reducing the pain.

( I blinked my eyes and take it from him, he never give me any pain-reducing pill. I take that pill and he makes me lie down.)

Mark: Take your rest.

Anna: But office?

Mark: Do you think that you're the wife of the CEO so you can take advantage of going to the office at any time whenever you want?

( He asked sarcastically, I looked at the wall and it was 4 pm. I lowered my eyes, at first, I thought he was coming from the gym that's why I concluded maybe it was morning.)

Mark: Take your rest. And you no need to make dinner for, I may not come home tonight. And more importantly, don't. disobey. me.

(I nodded.)

Mark: Words Anna. I don't like your nodding. Or did you forget your yesterday's punishment? Should I help you in remembering?

( He asked giving me a bite on my neck.)

Anna: Ahhhh!!! It's hurting.

(He stopped biting and looked at me with his worried eyes. I wonder what happens to him! Why were his eyes showing concern all of sudden? He caresses that area and patted my hair before leaving. He is showing me his softer side but my mind is stuck on his beast side which I saw last night, and this beasty side, I don't want to see again, I started trembling, and that scene started appearing again. It gives me a shiver on my spine. I shudder at that scene and get up from bed. It's too much pain, maybe a long warm bath heals my pain. I make my way to the washroom and did my business. I wore my dress and set the messy bed. I'm walking in the hallway but soon my eyes fell on that room where I get punished last night by my husband. I got scared and started taking back off steps. I am so scared that I didn't notice when I came near the stairs and suddenly fall from the stairs. Someone shouted behind me. "Anna", I didn't see his face, and in a second my vision got blurred and I fell unconsciously to the floor. )


( Last night I was so rough on her. Every girl loves rough but I'm sure Anna doesn't like rough. I was not in my self to control myself. I got furious by seeing her dancing with him, smiling over him. That's it I lost my control and taker her rougher in all possible ways. I only take one hour of sleep after putting her on my bed. I don't know why I let her rest in my bed and my embrace after torturing her, but now I feel guilty. I shrugged off this thought and went to take shower. It's still morning for me because it's 10 am now. I am working on my laptop then I hear shouting which came beside me.)

Anna : P.. P.. Please slow... Please leave me, it's hurting.

(I looked at her and was shocked by seeing her state. She is still in her deep sleep but shouting like someone is torturing her. I had never heard her like this. I put my laptop aside and patted her cheeks to wake up her, I thought she was getting a nightmare, but I didn't think that she is getting a nightmare about me until I heard.)

Anna : P.. P.. Please Mark.. P.. P... Please... It's hurting. I don't do it again.

( I got shocked and soon realises that she is getting a nightmare of her previous night. I felt a sting of pain in my heart seeing her like this. I know I give her the worse punishment but from my side, I also had the main motive in giving that punishment, i.e., she never disobey me, and never do anything which gets me angry. And I have to give her punishment to fear her because I got a feeling that what if she listens to my sister and try to escape from me. In between my thoughts, I saw she was crying and wincing in pain. I felt guilty and laid beside her and took her in my embrace. She got stable, I wonder that a few minutes ago I'm the reason for her paining and tears but now she stops shouting and sobbing seems like she knew I'm the one who got her happiness also. I wonder if she is the same girl I loved once or if she again came with an evil plan, but she takes all my humiliation. My mind got messed up with her. At the first, I feel guilty about last night. I don't know what feeling is this... I saw her face she is still sleeping. I try to get up but I saw she was making a crying face. I sighed and stayed with her. I again got up and went to the gym to release my stress. After doing a workout for repeating four hours. I went to check on her. I saw her from the hall when she woke up. I started my way toward her but when she saw me closer to her she tighter her grip on the duvet and cover herself tightly which didn't go unnoticed by me. She tried to get up but fall on the bed. I helped her to sit on the bed rest. I can see, that last night leaves a hard effect on her. I sighed and give her a painkiller. I told her to rest. But she added a but on her side and this thing I don't like.)

Anna: But office?

Mark: Do you think that you're the wife of the CEO so you can take advantage of going to the office at any time whenever you want?

( I asked her sarcastically, she looks at the wall clock and lowered her eyes. I realize that she thinks it's morning. I told her to take a rest and don't try to disobey me, I waited for a response but she give me her fucking nod and I hate that. I warned her and then bite her on her neck but she winced in pain.)

Anna: Ahhhh!!! It's hurting.

( I stopped biting her. I patted her hair and left from there.)