Save her.


( In Jules's house.)

James: Jules, I think we have to talk with Mark about Anna. You know that he is doing wrong. Not only he is destroying her life but also destroying his too.

Jules: I understand James, but Mark is stubborn, he faces a lot of things that anyone can't imagine. And I don't want to see again Mark in that condition. My brother suffered a lot.

(Jules started crying. James comforts her, he thought for a while and said.)

James: Why don't we try to talk with Anna?

Jules: Do you think she can listen to us?

James: Yes, why not. You know Jules, I can see the pain and regret in her eyes. I know she did too many things but I can see she is regretting it.

Jules: Hmm, even I also feel. I can't see anyone in pain and the separation of Anna and Mark gives peace to both of them. James, I can't see my brother like this... Please do something, please James. Do something...

James: Don't worry love, I will do anything for you. I just hope Anna will understand.

Jules: Ok.

(James hugged Jules and give her water. Now James went to meet Anna. He hopes that she could understand.)

(In Mark's Mansion) :

(James reached to meet Anna and when he enters the saw Anna falling from the stairs.)

James: Anna!!!!

( He runs towards her and patted her cheeks to wake up but there is no response from her, then he saw a pool of blood from her back head. He got shocked and pick her up in bridal style. He put her in his car and started the engine. He went to the hospital, while reaching the hospital he call Jules and Mark. But Mark's phone is switched off. James led her to the emergency room.)

James: Doctor, doctor!! help me, please, save her. Please save my sister.

The doctor hurriedly went to the emergency room and starts his treatment. James doesn't know but he feels very sad about seeing her condition. James doesn't want to admit but whenever he saw her, he remembers her small sister who got into an accident, and today he feels the same towards Anna when he saw a pool of blood. A lone tear escaped from his eyes. Meanwhile, Jules came hurriedly.)

Jules: James !! What happen?? How did she fall from the stairs?

James: I don't know Jules. When I reached there, I saw her falling from the stairs and a pool of blood.

(He told her and he doesn't know why he got tears. Jules got it. She understands why James became emotional.)

Jules: I know James, you see your sister in her.

James: How did you...

( Jules cut off his words.)

Jules: I'm your wife and love. I know, your eyes tell everything.

( She hugged her husband and comfort her. James checked the time and it was getting late. He told Jules to go home and look after their children. She nodded and went towards her home. James tries to call Mark, but Mark's phone is switched off. After treatment of repeatedly three hours, doctors came from the emergency room.)

Doctor: Thank god you came on time, otherwise, I'm not sure if we would save her. She is out of danger. A lot of blood comes from her head. Did you see her when she is falling from the stairs?

James: Yes, I saw from my eyes.

Doctor: Ok, is she married? Where is her husband?

James: Yes.

Doctor: Did you inform her husband?

James: No he didn't pick up the call.

Doctor: Ok when he came, directly send me to my cabin. And yes are you his family?

(James doesn't know what to say.)

James: Yes I'm her brother.

Doctor: Okay, wounds take time to heal, take care of her. But we found that she has a hole in her heart.

( James became shocked after listening. He thought he listened wrong but no he listened correctly.)

Doctor Don't you know about it?? I suggest you, if she takes surgery then we can save her, if you will be late, then maybe we lost her.

( James doesn't know what to say. Anna didn't tell anyone. Maybe she has a reason. He wants to talk to her but she is unconscious.)

James: Doctor please do me a favor.

Doctor: yes.

James: If his husband came to meet you then please don't tell him about her heart problem.

Doctor: Even though I'm not going to tell him about her condition, I have something different topic. When we are doing her surgery, she opens her eyes for minutes and tells me to don't tell her husband about her heart. I feel pity for her after seeing her body. She again fell unconscious, that's why I ask about your detail. Anyway, I'm going now. You go and buy medicine for her.

( Doctor told him everything and left from there. James didn't understand why she hides this, or he understands slowly that she is doing her redemption for not taking surgery. And the doctor said he feel pity after seeing her body!! What Mark has done that made doctor feels that way. In between his thoughts suddenly James' phone ranged. He saw Mark written on his phone.)

James: Hello Mark, where the fuck are you?

( James nearly yelled at him. Mark got confused.)

Mark: What happen?

James: Your wife is in the hospital. She fell from the stairs.

(That's it, Mark's phone slipped from his hand. He became shocked and stood there for 30 seconds. )

James: Hello Mark, Mark, are you listening?

( Mark take his phone and asked worriedly where is he. James gives him the address. Mark started the engine and went to the hospital.)