Guilt, regret, pain, and tears.

(4 days passed since Anna opened her eyes. All things changed, the people who hate her the most, started showing care and love. Especially Mark. His behavior changed a lot, maybe because she is sick. She sighed by looking at her surrounding. She became bored with her surrounding, and she wants to leave the hospital but Mark strictly prohibited this. He wants her to fully recover. She was looking outside the window. She was so buried in her thoughts that she didn't realize Jules's presence. Jules cleared her throat which gain her attention.)

Anna: Oh, hii.

(She said nervously.)

Jules: Hii, How are you?

(Jules asked in a cold tone. As she is Mark's step-sister, a lot of things are the same as him. Her cold aura, her personality, her height, and her complex all are the same as him except for Mark's green eyes. Jules has brownish eyes. Anna feels nervous in the presence of both brother and sister.)

Anna: I feel better now.

(Silence filled in the atmosphere, Jules wants to talk with her but doesn't know how to start. But she collects her courage before speaking.)

Jules: Leave my brother.

( Anna didn't understand what is she saying.)

Anna: huh.

Jules: I said leave my brother. please.

(Jules said in a colder tone. Anna is sick now but that doesn't bother Jules. She only wanted happiness for her brother. She doesn't know why James didn't talk to her regarding leaving.)

Anna: I'm sorry, I can't.

(Anna said in her tears. She can't leave Mark until he forgives her.)

Jules: I will give you anything, but please leave my brother.

(Jules said in her furious tone.)

Jules: I'm sorry Jules, but I can't leave Mark until he forgives me. Please.

( She said in her sobbings.)

Jules: Do you want his forgiveness? Or do you want to give the pain again? Do you think it's easy to forgive you for what you did? huh! What do you think?? Tell me?

(Anna pressed her lips to control her sobbing but that doesn't bother Jules.)

Jules: Did you know after what you did, how Mark and I lived? Did you know how he faces all things without our parents? Did you know how he spends his two fucking years in jail? Did you know how they brutally beat her for no reason? Did you know how people treat him? Did you know how people accuse him? Did you know how many times people humiliated me and my brother?

( Jules became furious with each word and started yelling at her. Anna shut her eyes tightly and but that jail part made her open her eyes instantly. She didn't know Mark went to jail. She looks at Jules with a shocked expression.)

Anna: Wh...Wh...Wha.. Mark went to jail?

(Jules let a chuckle with a disgusted expression.)

Jules: Did you want to know how some people want to rape me by knowing I'm Mark's sister


(Anna became more shocked after listening to her.)

Jules: You didn't know anything except the part where you accused him of raping you.

( Anna lowered her eyes and want to disappear from this world.)

Jules: Mark daily saw you and I can sense he daily experiences the same thing he experienced in that jail. And whenever I saw you I... I got that images daily when they tried to rape me. I and Mark daily got that image of our parents hanging on the fan. Did you know your one accusation changed our entire life?

( Jules said in her furious tears. Anna remained silent in tears.)

Jules: I know that you are now regretting everything but for my brother's happiness, please leave our lives. please. I beg you.

( Jules said and left Anna in guilt, regret, pain, and tears.)