No Mark without Anna.

(Anna is in pain, not physically but mentally. She just wanted to die, she didn't know if she can live until Mark forgive her. She maybe dies because of guilt. She just wants to disappear from this world where she gives her pain which her Mark has seen. Accusing someone is easy but regretting the whole thing is not easy and especially if that is related to our loved ones. Anna knows that in this life Mark wouldn't forgive her and even now she didn't want to forgive herself. She just loved him and now she realizes that her sins are not for forgiveness.

Anna harshly removes all syringes and clips which are attached to her hand. She can't stand and walk properly but that doesn't bother her. She makes her way to get out from here. Some nurses came to stop her but she didn't stop. She started sobbing. But didn't stop. She saw the gate and went out of the hospital. The pain of regret, she was holding in her heart is more than the pain physically. Jules's words keep running in her head. She didn't know that she was going to be raped. She didn't know that Mark was beaten brutally by them. She didn't know that her presence makes too much pain for Mark and Jules. She kept blaming her. She didn't want to go anywhere, she kept running and soon it started raining. She pauses and collapses in the middle of the road. She started crying loudly and started slapping herself.)


At hospital:

Mark: Where the fuck my wife did go? How irresponsible you all are!

Nurse: Sir we tried to keep her but seems like she was not in her sense. She keeps talking to herself.

(Mark started searching for her in every corner of the hospital but didn't find her. He makes his way outside, it's raining but that doesn't make him stop. He is so worried about seeing her nowhere. He started calling her name in the heavy rain but can't find her. Sharp pain is gone through his heart at the thought of losing her. He didn't want to lose. He was searching for her then he saw a small figure which seems like her wife. He takes his slow steps toward her.)

Mark: Anna.

(She doesn't reply and turned her head. She started crying more after seeing him. She started to panic. Mark became shocked after seeing her condition.)

Anna: M..M...Mark... Mark...I'm sorry. I'm sorry.

(Mark didn't say anything. He stood in his place. Anna came near his leg and place her head near his leg.)

Anna: I'm sorry. Please. I know I hurt you very much. I'm sorry Mark.. please don't forgive me easily. I deserve your hate and punishment. please punish me.. please. I just can't live with this... please punish me for what your sister faces because of me... please punish me for what you face...please...please kill me... I want my death.

(And that's it Mark hugged her tightly after the word death came out of her mouth. Anna is trembling badly. Mark is also shocked that how come Anna knows all of this.

They remain in the same position by hugging each other as if she will going too far from him. Mark was caressing Anna's back to stop her from crying. But Anna keeps sobbing and saying him to give her punishment.)

Anna: Please give me the punishment I deserve. Don't treat me with your kindness. Give me the brutal punishment for my sins. I will accept it gladly. Death is the easiest way, but please give the punishment where I can face hell. I deserve this Mark. How can you didn't give me what I deserve... Mark?

( Anna is now going out of control, she kept crying, Mark can't see her condition. Suddenly Anna fainted .)

Mark: Anna? Anna? Hey, wake up.

( Mark started worrying now. She didn't wake up. He carries her in his arms and takes her to the hospital, both are wet from the rain. Mark sense that she has a very high fever. He started running to reach the hospital as fast as he can.)

Mark: Doctor! doctor! Please see her.. she was in the rain for 1 hour.

Doctor: Don't worry I will take care. Please take a seat outside.

(Mark doesn't help but think who could tell her this thing. Then he suddenly remembered that Jules went to meet her last time and that's it Mark dialed Jules number but it is out of network. He couldn't move from there until the doctor came and told him that she is fine...

Because he didn't want to admit but he knows that there is no Mark without Anna. And same for her, there is no Anna without Mark.)