How dare you?

(Angel's teary eyes snapped only to find Mark standing with anger evident on his face but Anna was still murmuring.)

Anna: I am sorry I am sorry.

(Mark walked towards her with fast steps. He wrapped his calloused arm around her waist and forced her to stand up making her snap in reality. Mark grabbed her chin with another hand and made her look at him.

Her teary bloodshot eyes met his cold cloudy ones as he shot her a glare.)

Mark: Didn't I tell you that you are Mrs. Volkov? And I don't want my wife to kneel before anyone then how dare you!

(Anna only whimpered and this time there was no fear in her eyes instead there was only pain and guilt swirling.

He shot a glance at Angel whose eyes were fixed on Anna with tears in them. He sighed before picking Anna up and taking steps towards his room. He entered his room and shoved her inside the blanket. Forced her to lay down on the bed with two blankets wrapped around her. He placed his both palms beside her head on the cushion and coldly stared into her eyes.)

Mark: Don't move from here. I am going to your best friend. But when I came back I should find you here. Understood!

(She nodded her head still crying. He sighed heavily and ignoring the need to wipe her tears away he walked out.)

Angel: What was that?

(Angel questioned Mark as he reached the living room. He sighed heavily before looking at her.)

Mark: I don't know, she got fell from the stairs and after that incident, I found her in the rain yesterday. She was crying and asking for forgiveness again and again. She had a fever all night.

(Angel blinked her eyes to not let the tears in her eyes fall. But soon she narrowed her eyes at him.)

Angel: Do you think I don't know that you did that to her?

(Mark sighed his messy hair back.)

Mark: She met my sister yesterday and she told her everything. I don't know how much she told him but she was crying badly. Burthen I got her call at midnight when Anna was sleeping. She told me that she told her everything to her. Whatever happened to her, me, and our parents?

(Angel sighed palming her face and sitting on the couch. Mark sighed as well looking at the floor being busy in his thoughts. Seeing Anna in this condition she decided to talk to Mark to free her.)

Angel: You should free her. Free her Mark. I know you hate her but you should know that she hates herself more than you anyone. I already forgive her when she confessed her mistake and realizes that she was wrong. Free her, please.

Mark: You should go to your house, my wife is alone in her room, I'm going to her. And yes, don't worry I'm not going to hurt her in this condition. I'm her husband. And you should know it.

Angel: I'm going but please take care of her. Please control your anger, Mark.

(Angel went from there, she felt that she has no right to talk about their matter but she still want Mark to forgive her. She didn't say further because Mark is the one who faces a lot of things in his life. And she saw him in his worst condition.

Mark sighed and went to his room to see his wife who is struggling so much, who is in so much pain. He can't see in this state but she is responsible for her state.)