Did Mark do this to her?

(Anna blinked her eyes multiple times feeling ache all over her head, eyes, and body. Her dry lips parted as she looked around the room. The moment her eyes fell on the picture of Mark in the middle of the wall she understood it was Mark's room.

She licked her lips to moisten them as her throat was hurting badly. Even her eyes felt swollen badly. She knew she had gotten a fever because of the rain. Suddenly her mind ran to the time when Jules told the things.

Her eyes once again started getting teary. She wasn't able to understand how to gather herself again. The pain was too much to handle. The regret was way overwhelming for her to just let it go.

She finally sat up on the bed as tears damped her cheeks. Using the sleeves of the hoodie she wiped her cheeks. Then she noticed her changed clothes and even two heavy blankets over her body.

She chuckled in sadness. She doesn't deserve his kindness. He should have let her in the rain to die. After the damage, she caused him why did he even help her she doesn't deserve it.

She slowly stood up from the bed as she wanted to find Mark. She wanted to talk to him and finally ask him to free her and him from his pain. She had no idea what he will do but she knew she needed to talk to him.

She reached the hallway and walked towards the living room with the help of a wall. But then her whole body went stiffen when she caught sight of a familiar figure standing in the living room.

Angel, her best friend came to visit her and talk to her as well. She got to know about Anna's injury, she thought that Mark do this to her, so she came to talk to him as well. She knew Mark become too blind in his revenge to think straight that's why she decided to talk to Anna to end this all.

She heard someone coming and turned around to find Anna standing there keeping her palm on the pillar. Their eyes met and Angel froze in shock.

The girl looked so lifeless. She looked like she will die anytime. Swollen and bloodshot eyes. Ice pale face, dried lips, and her cheeks looked so skinny. Angel for a second didn't even recognize her.

And for a second she thought. Did Mark do this to her? She wasn't able to accept that he turn her this lifeless and sadness flooded her thinking of the possibility of him becoming worst.

She came out of her trance and Anna started limping toward her. Angel looked at her legs. She hadn't sprained or hurt her legs she's just too weak to walk properly.

Angel walked towards them and wrapped one arm around her shoulder and the other on her wrist giving her help to stand properly. She helped her to sit on the couch and didn't fail to notice how warm she was.

She had a fever. Her eyes fell on her feet which had no shoes on. Angel sighed and took a seat beside Anna shaking her head.)

Angel: Anna what is this? Where are your shoes and you are sick why did you come out? You should be resting.

(Anna said nothing only staring at her face. Tears started forming in her eyes when Angel placed her hand on her shoulder.)

Angel: Anna. What happened? Did Mark do this to you?

(Angel gulped down as she knew she wouldn't be able to digest the fact that Mark had brought her to this condition.

Anna shook her head chuckling. She finally turned her head toward Angel letting her hazel orbs meet her grey ones. Angel froze in shock when tears started falling from Anna's eyes.)

Anna: I did this to myself. I did so much for others too.

(Anna mumbled making Angel stare at her. Angel gasped out when Anna with her trembling body bent down on the floor sitting on her knees.)

Anna: I'm everyone's sinner. Don't be kind to me. I have done so much for everyone. And I also hurt you. I have taken away so much from everyone. Don't be kind. I..I.I'm s..sorry. Don't...

(Anna said clutching the hoodie and crying harder.

The girl looked so pitiful. So vulnerable. She was still keeping her head bowed and crying her heart out in front of the woman sitting in front of her.

but soon her words got cut down when a thunderous voice echoed in the mansion.)