Stay with me, Anna.

(Anna's gaze finally fell on his chest. Mark sighs finally leaving her arms and letting her sit on the bed. She sobbed closing her eyes. His words finally started drilling into her head and indeed they helped her to see the truth, not the delusional reality of her guilt in her mind.

Yes if she hadn't started anything then nothing would have happened in the first place.

Anna finally understood and accepted Mark's every word. He was right she wasn't to be blamed for the things those people did. But still, the regret in her heart didn't fade away.

Because even if we put everything those people did aside still Anna is to be blamed the most. She did the worst thing to the man who was her savior.)

Anna: I'm sorry. I know my words can't heal the painful past I gave you but I swear I am ready to handle every pain given by you.

(Mark turned his head towards her staring at her tear-stained face.)

Anna: If my pain gives you peace I am ready to handle it.

(She completed her words wiping her red cheeks.

When she heard nothing but silence she finally looked up only to find him staring at her without blinking. His eyes were cold as ice. His gaze was blank.)

Mark: Eat.

(With that, he placed the tray on her lap and she started eating even though she had no appetite. After finishing the soup Mark gave her medicines.

He was about to walk away but she held his hand wrist making him look at her with a frown. She forced him to sit on the bed and the next act of hers left him in pure shock.

She moved her head a little forward and place it on his shoulder. Closing her eyes she mumbled keeping her forehead on his shoulder.)

Anna: Tell me, Mark. Tell me what should I do to show you how much I regret what I did. What should I do to show you that there is nothing like peace in my life for the past 7 years? Please help me. It's killing me, Mark. Tell me what should I do?

(Mark took a sharp breath and stiffen on the bed. She didn't pull her head away from his shoulder.)

Anna: I can tolerate your torture. I can tolerate any punishment. I can tolerate your humiliation. Even though everything hurts but I can tolerate it.

(Mark's lips parted hearing her words.)

Anna: But I can't tolerate seeing you in pain. I can't see you being like this Mark. I can't see you trembling in your sleep. I can't see you looking horrified after your nightmares. I can't see you hiding your emotions. I can't see you being heartless when you your not. I can't do this.

(Mark breathed out in shock. He never thought she knew about his nightmares. He never noticed how much she observes him without letting him know about it.)

Anna: Tell me what should I do? If my presence isn't enough to get rid of your pain then just say once I will go away far away. I will never show you my face again. Tell me.

(Anna completed her words still keeping her head on his shoulder.

Mark finally wrapped his arms around her and completely pulled her in his embrace. Her face got pressed against his chest as he leaned his face down to her ear.)

Mark: You said you will do anything. Then I want one thing from you. Just give me that and I assure you It will be my cure.

(She looked up still in his arms.

Mark also pulled his head up and stared down at her. Their eyes met and his next word froze everything around them.)

Mark: Stay. Stay with me, Anna.

(Anna stared at him parting her lips in shock. She wasn't expecting him to answer this.)