The same cold and blank Mark again.

Mark: That's all I want. If you can give me this, It will be my healer.

(She had no idea how to reply to him. For one second she wanted to refuse him. But next second her guilt wanted to obey him blindly.

All night Anna wasn't able to sleep. The emotions she witnessed in his eyes were so different from what he used to look at her with.

The way his eyes screamed loneliness in them didn't fail to hurt her. The way his gaze held on the spot asking her to stay with him was beyond her imagination. There was something she saw and it didn't fail to scare her.

Finally, a week went by with Mark taking care of her and her trying to recover. Her mental health seemed stable too as she finally started accepting that people's wrongdoings weren't her fault.

The next day after he asks her to stay he becomes the same cold and blank Mark again. He avoided her at all costs. He didn't sexually touch her. He didn't even try to hold her in this week.

They both started going to the office. He started behaving like a cold boss with her.

A soft knock reached Mark's ear as he allowed the person to come in. He glanced up only to find Anna standing in front of the door looking at him nervously.)

Mark: Anna.

(Anna looked at him as he spoke her name in his deep voice. Anna walked in front of his table.)

Anna: Actually I wanted permission from you for something.

(Mark nodded his head before motioning her to sit down which Anna did without another word. He started writing something on the paper.)

Mark: Go ahead with what you want permission for.

(He said still keeping his eyes on the paper.)

Anna: I have to go somewhere.

Mark: Where?

(Anna paused for a second before clearing her throat and replying to him.)

Anna: Outside of the city I lived in that place for two years after I got released from my punishment.

(Mark hummed still writing on the paper.)

Anna: I have to go.

(Mark nodded.)

Anna: For a week.

(And this stopped his movement. He looked up at her when she completed her words. Placing the pen on the table. He stared at her coldly.)

Mark: A week. That's quite long. What's so important that you want to go there?

(Anna gulped down.)

Anna: I go there after every 6 months. And stay with them for a week. They helped me a lot. That's why.

(Mark kept on staring at her not knowing what to say. Finally, after a few minutes, he replied to her.)

Mark: Fine you can go. When are you going?

(Anna sighed in relief.)

Anna: This Saturday.

(Mark hummed in response and was about to say something when the telephone rang. He picked up and put it on speaker.)

Receptionist: Hello sir I am sorry to disturb you but Stark enterprise's boss is here. Charles sir is not in the country, so should I send her to your cabin?