Question of Loyalties

Kendra woke, the cave was dark. It was impossible to see at the moment and she wasn't sure how long she had been out. She felt well rested and her body felt deliciously sore, she was laying against Xerxes. His arm was around her back and her head was on his chest and shoulder.

"Xerxes?" She asked seeing if he was awake.

"Hmm?" he commented and she moved a bit.

"I have to go back. I'm sure the storm has gone down. They'll get suspicious if I don't come back." He made a slight sound and moved. She saw the slight glow to his eyes. It was eerie and beautiful at the same time to her.

"Can you see in the dark?" She asked him. Her eyes had night vision much like any animal, his seemed different. She'd never seen someone whose eyes glowed like his did.