The Island

Kendra hadn't set the egg down since she'd gotten it. It had been extremely hard to get down to where they could be picked up safely. But with how determined Riley was to have the egg and Isla continually telling them to not touch it, or Kendra, it was growing more difficult by the minute.

They were in flight now and she felt the curiosity in the egg. She was trying to communicate with Kendra and asking questions, but it was hard for Kendra to answer. They didn't speak the same language. It was so bizarre to feel her touch her mind. Like it was almost trying to mesh in a way that Kendra had never felt from another. However, the longer Kendra held on to her the easier it was to understand her. Like the close contact was doing something and the dragon was trying to either understand Kendra's language or give her the language of dragons to speak. Kendra kept this to herself of course.