A Broken Shell

Kendra's dream was horrible. First there was what sounded like a gunshot and then glass shattering. After that she felt like she was burning alive, though she could see nothing. It started on her arm and then spread up and over her chest to her stomach. She could feel her flesh moving and then her blood felt like it thickened from the heat. She herself felt to large for her body. As if she was going to rip apart.

Kendra sat bolt upright from where she was leaning against the wall. Her breathing was off and she touched her chest and arm but nothing was wrong with them. She felt normal, but like a great tide had just rushed through and then out of her. That feminine presence was stronger now, very strong, like it filled the room. No, more like it was filling her head. There was still a bit of fear there but not as bad as it had been before. Which was a relief.