Is Now Good

"Stop dragging me with." Daniel said exasperated. 

"I'm not dragging you with, I'm helping you out." Kitsune said with a smile. He wasn't sure which said it, but her eyes were normal. Her smile was rather sweet and he just narrowed his gaze unbelieving at the moment, but she stopped and walked alongside of him.

"We'll be followed." He told her with a sigh. "I just want to go home and not think for a while." 

'That sounds like a wonderful idea.' Night commented with a purr and Daniel did feel a bit of a laugh. The dragon was incorrigible. However, that was the farthest thing from his mind at the moment. The sun was up, and he couldn't remember how much he'd slept before all of this. Really the head trauma from the last few days was weighing on him.