Take Me Home

They were moving down the halls, none sure where to look for and really relying more on Daniel. Kitsune had told them all that they had to leave the first room because she was going to get rid of the dark demon or entity in the box. Well her companions were and none wanted to see the creature that came out. Neil was out of the room so fast you'd have thought he learned how to teleport. 

Others had appeared asking what was going on as they'd heard the gun fire and others sensed the darkness that had been in the building. They told them what was going on, and those that could helped moving through the building. They found two more. Daniel was worried a bit because the last two were meant for Juan and Connie. Those two were still unaccounted for.

"We'll find them." Juan said, and seemed confident about it. He trusted that Daniel would find them but Daniel felt fear.