Sinking Ship

"Why what happened?" Conner asked, shoving his gun onto the counter. Nova swayed, and looked like she was going to be sick. As the two watched the color seemed to be leaving her. The color of her eyes was dulling. Was she sick?

"Draven happened. Draven is what we have been looking for. He is the thing in the sarcophagus." Conner came over to her, and felt lost for words.

"My god, what did he do to you? Are you okay?" He asked. Carlos came over and had no idea what they were talking about, what to do. His brain was still on what he'd been told. Nova sure looked like she'd had a rough night.

"No, no I'm not okay. I need to eat, I'm starving and thirsty." Carlos was quick to go over and get water for her. She moved to the counter grabbing a muffin that was there and devoured it, before grabbing the glass of water. She ate it like she hadn't seen food in weeks.