A Little Knowledge

Davina was sitting on the table she'd been originally strapped too. This was annoying, and draining. They weren't feeding her, now she wished she'd attacked one of them before being stuck in this room. She and Parri needed to figure out a way to get out of this room. All of their attempts to undo the magic were not working well. However they had started to unravel some of it. Though it was time consuming.

While the two of them spoke the language of the people here, they were noticing that some words, and some of these glyphs were different. Language was fluid and since they did not grow up here some of the ways people spoke, or casted spells could be different. Plus they were young, still learning this craft. Just because they were dragons did not make them perfect freaking creatures. Davina and Parri had only been alive for thirty years of their time. Really not a great amount of time for a dragon.