On the Verge

"The male is clearly growing weak, we need to find a way to feed him properly." Baker said, opening a small door in the wall and sliding in a bag of blood that he'd gotten from Davina.

He'd put in a blood extraction kit in her slot earlier and told her how to use it so that they could offer her blood to the other they had. He did not offer information on the male dragon but he did bring a couple items with to place in so that she and her dragon could scent it. She had agreed then and only given one bag. Baker took a few vials to study and brought this here, still warm for this male. 

"No one is opening this door Baker. That thing with him is clearly still moving about and ready to kill. Baker shut the small door and hit a button so that it opened on the other side. The white dragon moved forward as the man was sitting looking passed out, or asleep. It was hard to tell but you could see that he was weak.