A Little Unsure

'You know, your color is really not great for hunting. Prey will see you coming a mile away.' Parri stated eyeing Nexus' white scales and gold horns and spikes. His scaled eyebrow raised ever so slightly. He eyed her and then looked forward, a second later he was not white but a deep brown black. Parri had a surprised look and Davina was also shocked, she'd never heard of a dragon that could change color like that before. 

"That's cool." Davina stated, she felt her mind reach toward her family to share. Like she had always done in the past but there was just a blankness. Davina felt her heart sink a bit, it hurt even more that her twin wasn't here yet. Or if he was, they did not have a mental bridge. She felt alone again. Parri glanced at her but then back at Nexus, there was not much they could do, but she felt it too.